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Theory and Publications

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2020 3:38 am
by hajo82
Hello all.
The last few months I had to stop my practical work for writing some reports and documentation.
The first part in my documentation was, to introduce IMUs in general, then the ones I use, the mathematic of quaternions and so on and so on.
the next thing i would like to do, is to show how multibody dynamics work, how quaternions are calculated out of imu data, and to calculate the kneeangle as example.
everything refers to opensense.
now i found some papers in theors and publications, but these are just for multibody dynamics.
I hoped to find some papers about the background of opensense. e.g. sensor position, syncing the differnet data types.
If you have anything publishes so far, I would be very thankfull if you let me know.

Hams-Jochen Edenhart

Re: Theory and Publications

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2020 7:25 pm
by jimmy
There is no OpenSense paper yet.

There are plenty of papers on Pubmed that describe how IMUs compute their own quaternion orientation-- I would suggest doing a literature review there on data fusion of IMUs.

OpenSense doesn't compute quaternions-- it uses the available quaternion information from the IMU and transforms the quaternion to a Rotation object using Simbody.