Matlab crashes with study.visualize()

OpenSim Moco is a software toolkit to solve optimal control problems with musculoskeletal models defined in OpenSim using the direct collocation method.
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Karthick Ganesan
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Matlab crashes with study.visualize()

Post by Karthick Ganesan » Fri Jun 26, 2020 8:44 am

Hi all,
I always have this problem. When I call study.visualize(), Matlab crashes. Any suggestions?

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Aaron Fox
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Re: Matlab crashes with study.visualize()

Post by Aaron Fox » Sun Jun 28, 2020 5:23 pm

Hi Karthick,

I've also experienced some random Matlab crashes when running/initialising a study - but I think it's always been to do with something not working appropriately within the code. The problem is that this call kind of grabs everything in the study (I think), so it's difficult to pin-point a problem. My advice would be to find an example that doesn't crash Matlab (e.g. the Moco examples built in) - and edit these bit by bit with your own problem (e.g. change one thing at a time) to try and see when you get to the point of Matlab crashing.

I don't think anyone will be able to solve your problem or find a 'magic bullet' without any further testing - as long as you've checked off all the basic things (e.g. Moco installed right etc.).


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Christopher Dembia
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Re: Matlab crashes with study.visualize()

Post by Christopher Dembia » Mon Jun 29, 2020 11:10 am


I'm curious if your issue is related to Moco or to OpenSim on its own. Some OpenSim users have reported crashes with Matlab when using the visualizer. What operating system are you using?

Can you run this script ... c884a17360 (which doesn't use Moco) and report if this causes Matlab to crash?

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Ross Miller
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Re: Matlab crashes with study.visualize()

Post by Ross Miller » Tue Jun 30, 2020 7:54 am

I've had a small number of Matlab crashes when using Moco, maybe three or four times to date. Usually it happens in the midst of an IPOPT run. None of them have been reproducible. I have all the Matlab crash logs somewhere if they are helpful (they are Greek to me).

The visualizer will crash (but Matlab stays up) if I run an animation in it for a very long time, like several hours. This is all on a Mac.


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Christopher Dembia
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Re: Matlab crashes with study.visualize()

Post by Christopher Dembia » Tue Jun 30, 2020 9:43 am

Hey Ross, yes those logs would be useful!

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Karthick Ganesan
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Re: Matlab crashes with study.visualize()

Post by Karthick Ganesan » Sat Jul 18, 2020 12:43 am

Thank you all for your suggestions.
When I ran the 'IntroOpensimAPI.m', Matlab crashed. I am using Windows 7.