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Altered sensory feedback effects on gait

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2023 5:00 am
by adamz
I study sensory and perceptual function, and I'm interested in simulating how sensory or perceptual dysfunction affects gait. For that, I would like to take a simple gait model (e.g. example2DWalking) and to adapt it in a way to test how damaged sensory feedback affects gait. Has anyone done something similar before? Is there a way that I can 'hack' sensory feedback in the model to degrade it? The specific sensory deficits that I would like to simulate are:
1) overestimating sensory reliability
2) overestimating the sensory outcomes of one's own actions (e.g. exaggerated forward model)
3) altered multisensory weighting

Re: Altered sensory feedback effects on gait

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2023 1:58 am
by adamz
Trying to focus my question:
How can I add feedback control (e.g. measurement of gait speed) to a gait simulation?

Re: Altered sensory feedback effects on gait

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2023 4:24 am
by rosshm
Hi Adam,

Moco I think only does open-loop controls in its present state. It is possible to use direct collocation methods on closed-loop control problems (recent example: ... bi.1009338) but doing so in Moco I think would take a fairly substantial revision of its core code and method.
