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Using Moco to Calculate Orthosis Actuator Force for Load Compensation

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2024 10:05 am
by anni_cp

I have added an additional weight to a model, which is supposed to represent an orthosis. This orthosis should now provide just enough support to compensate for the additional load it has caused. Can I use Moco to calculate the required force and force progression of the additional actuator (orthosis)?

Is there an example of a similar problem?

I would be grateful for any advice,
best regards,

Re: Using Moco to Calculate Orthosis Actuator Force for Load Compensation

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2024 3:31 pm
by nbianco
Hi Annika,

Yes, this sounds like a great project for Moco! You will need to define want you mean by 'compensate' first. For example, you might want the user to produce the same muscle effort without and with the assistive orthosis.

We don't yet have a Moco example for simulating the effect an orthosis, but you could easily modify one of the examples we have (e.g., exampleMocoTrack) and add a force to model your orthosis (e.g., a SpringGeneralizedForce, if it's a passive orthosis).
