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MATLAB example2DWalking.m

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2024 4:44 pm
by ernestoh92
Hello, I am looking into this example and I notice that the referenceGRF.sto file has zeros for the center of pressure. Is this the way it should be or is there a mistake here? I would assume the center of pressure of the ground force should be in the area where the foot touches the ground. Is there a corrected file somewhere?

Re: MATLAB example2DWalking.m

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2024 4:10 am
by oedemuth
Hi Ernesto,

The MocoContactTrackingGoal only minimises the (projected) force error. It does not track the COP nor the torques. See here: ... _goal.html

The zeros in the referenceGRF.sto make sense as that part is not used/needed in the goal.
