~Error: Mesh kernel not available/SV Crashing

Provides a system for patient-specific cardiovascular modeling and simulation.
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Bradford Thorne
Posts: 1
Joined: Tue Jan 13, 2015 10:22 pm

~Error: Mesh kernel not available/SV Crashing

Post by Bradford Thorne » Sun Apr 19, 2015 1:39 pm

I am trying to finish meshing a model using Version 2.0.10320 for Mac but SimVascular either crashes or outputs 'Error: Mesh kernel not available' when I try to run the mesher after warning me that it will take a while to execute. I have tried using both MeshSim and TetGem but both yield similar results. I believe all of my dependencies are installed, so I'm not sure where to look for the kernel or what the root cause is.


Below is one of the outputted error messages:

Mesh kernel is not available
Mesh kernel is not available
while executing
"mesh_setKernel -name $gOptions(meshing_kernel)"
(procedure "guiTETGEN_create_mesh" line 6)
invoked from within
invoked from within
".guiCV.tframe3.tpanedwindow4.tframe6.tpanedwindow0.tframe2.frame2.frame3.notebook6.tframe5.notebook0.tframe1.tlabelframe20.frame14.frame1.button6 invo..."
invoked from within
".guiCV.tframe3.tpanedwindow4.tframe6.tpanedwindow0.tframe2.frame2.frame3.notebook6.tframe5.notebook0.tframe1.tlabelframe20.frame14.frame1.button6 inst..."
(command bound to event)

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Adam Updegrove
Posts: 236
Joined: Fri Aug 30, 2013 4:11 pm

Re: ~Error: Mesh kernel not available/SV Crashing

Post by Adam Updegrove » Mon Apr 20, 2015 9:53 am

Hi Bradford,

Is SimVascular outputting this error message and then crashing? Or is it just outputting this error message and then not meshing?

I just ran a couple of tests and using this version on Mac, I was able to mesh with TetGen on a couple of different test computers.

Can you make sure you have done a few things before trying to run the mesh:
1. Set your project directory under File->Select Project Directory
2. Load the desired solid model under TetGen->Mesh Options->Select Solid Model.
3. Prescribe a mesh edge size that makes sense for your model

Last thing, you will not be able to mesh with MeshSim on Mac and you should get the error you described. Only TetGen is available for meshing on Mac.

The SimVascular Development Team