Scaling geometries

Provides a system for patient-specific cardiovascular modeling and simulation.
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Akash Gupta
Posts: 16
Joined: Thu Jun 09, 2016 6:58 am

Scaling geometries

Post by Akash Gupta » Fri Jun 10, 2016 7:49 am

Hello everybody,

I need to import and scale a particular geometry file. The original geometry file is available in .dsm and .stl format. I'm looking to perform a simple uniform scaling operation. The command that have tried to use is:

% y9.dsm Scale -factor 1.1

Where y9.dsm is the name of the geometry file and I'm using a scale factor of 1.1 since I want the geometry to be scaled up by 10%. This command, however throws the following error:

"Scale: error on object y9.dsm"

Clicking on the error message produces a pop up with the following details:

Scale: error on object y9.dsm
while executing
"y9.dsm Scale -factor 1.1"
("uplevel" body line 1)
invoked from within
"uplevel #0 {y9.dsm Scale -factor 1.1}"
invoked from within
"interp eval $::tkcon::OPT(exec) $args"
(procedure "::tkcon::EvalSlave" line 2)
invoked from within
"EvalAttached $cmd"

The output in the Simvascular terminal reads "required arg "-factor" not found"

Simvascular version details: SIMVASCULAR: version November.13.2011 ( this is the version used in my lab).

I would appreciate any help with this issue or suggestions regarding alternative methods of scaling. Thank You!

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Adam Updegrove
Posts: 236
Joined: Fri Aug 30, 2013 4:11 pm

Re: Scaling geometries

Post by Adam Updegrove » Fri Jun 10, 2016 8:19 am

Hi Akash,

That is a pretty old version of simvascular. However, even in the newest version of SimVascular, the Scale function is not implemented for .dsm models.

What you can do is load the .stl into paraview, scale it there, and then convert it back to .dsm after you have scaled it.

Let me know if you have any other questions.


SimVascular Development Team

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Akash Gupta
Posts: 16
Joined: Thu Jun 09, 2016 6:58 am

Re: Scaling geometries

Post by Akash Gupta » Fri Jun 10, 2016 8:27 am

Hello Adam,

Thanks for the suggestion! Will try it ASAP.

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Akash Gupta
Posts: 16
Joined: Thu Jun 09, 2016 6:58 am

Re: Scaling geometries

Post by Akash Gupta » Fri Jun 10, 2016 9:56 am

adam wrote:Hi Akash,

That is a pretty old version of simvascular. However, even in the newest version of SimVascular, the Scale function is not implemented for .dsm models.

What you can do is load the .stl into paraview, scale it there, and then convert it back to .dsm after you have scaled it.

Let me know if you have any other questions.


SimVascular Development Team
Hello Adam,

I've done as you have suggested by importing the stl file into paraview and scaling it in Paraview. I exported the geometry from Paraview in the .PLY format( I couldn't find an option to export directly as a DSM file), then imported it into Simvascular( the latest version, on a different system - Windows OS). I then tried to convert it to a discrete model using the button labelled "Create Discrete Model from selected Polydata" under the "Discrete" tab in the "Model" tab.

However, that command threw an error (copied from the error log):

ERROR creating solid ()
ERROR creating solid ()
while executing
invoked from within
".guiCV.tframe3.tpanedwindow4.tframe6.tpanedwindow0.tframe2.frame2.frame3.notebook6.tframe6.tframe10.notebook1.tframe3.tlabelframe11.tframe2.tbutton1 i..."
invoked from within
".guiCV.tframe3.tpanedwindow4.tframe6.tpanedwindow0.tframe2.frame2.frame3.notebook6.tframe6.tframe10.notebook1.tframe3.tlabelframe11.tframe2.tbutton1 i..."
invoked from within
".guiCV.tframe3.tpanedwindow4.tframe6.tpanedwindow0.tframe2.frame2.frame3.notebook6.tframe6.tframe10.notebook1.tframe3.tlabelframe11.tframe2.tbutton1 i..."
(command bound to event)

Any suggestions?

Thank You!