Number of coupled surfaces > MAXSURF

Provides a system for patient-specific cardiovascular modeling and simulation.
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Vitaly Kheyfets
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Number of coupled surfaces > MAXSURF

Post by Vitaly Kheyfets » Fri Jul 21, 2017 11:03 am


My simulation has a single inlet and 271 outlets.

When trying to run it, it Finishes immediately.

The details show that the: Number of coupled surfaces > MAXSURF

Can simvasc not handle that many outlets? Or can I adjust this MAXSURF variable?



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Hongzhi Lan
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Re: Number of coupled surfaces > MAXSURF

Post by Hongzhi Lan » Fri Jul 21, 2017 1:22 pm

Hi Vitaly,

MAXSURF is 199 and hardcoded in the source code, so you can't adjust unless you compile the source code to build your own solver.
What model are you working on? Normally, for cardiovascular models, we don't have a very large number of vessels as yours; also, for very small vessels, image quality is not good enough for creating models.

In the next release, we'll increase MAXSURF to a larger number.


SimVascular Development Team

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Vitaly Kheyfets
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Re: Number of coupled surfaces > MAXSURF

Post by Vitaly Kheyfets » Fri Jul 21, 2017 2:20 pm

Hi Hongzi,

Thanks for your response!

It's a pulmonary model. It has been a long and painstaking trek to get this model meshed and ready for simulation in SimVasc, so I think I am going to wait until your next release.

Just for my planning, do you have an idea for when that might happen?



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Hongzhi Lan
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Re: Number of coupled surfaces > MAXSURF

Post by Hongzhi Lan » Fri Jul 21, 2017 2:31 pm

Within one week. What OS are you using?


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Vitaly Kheyfets
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Re: Number of coupled surfaces > MAXSURF

Post by Vitaly Kheyfets » Fri Jul 21, 2017 2:40 pm

Well, I am trying to get everything setup and running on Windows 7. However, once I confirm it's all running smoothly, I hope to launch the full simulation on a cluster. They are running RedHat Enterprise 7, but I've asked them to hold off on download/installation. Sounds like SV was compiled on Ubuntu, so it will have to be built from the source code.



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Hongzhi Lan
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Re: Number of coupled surfaces > MAXSURF

Post by Hongzhi Lan » Fri Jul 28, 2017 11:08 am

We just found another bug in svSolver, and also we fixed more bugs in SimVascular, so we plan to release new versions for both SimVascular and svSolver, in a couple of weeks.


SimVascular Development Team

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Vitaly Kheyfets
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Re: Number of coupled surfaces > MAXSURF

Post by Vitaly Kheyfets » Sat Jul 29, 2017 8:11 am

Great, thanks!


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Hongzhi Lan
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Re: Number of coupled surfaces > MAXSURF

Post by Hongzhi Lan » Fri Aug 11, 2017 5:37 pm

Hi Vitaly,

I discussed with our development team. Most cases don't use a large number vessels, and we are concerned that the increase of the MAXSURF would lead to more memory usage and lower performance unnecessarily. If you want to simulate your case, you can compile svSolver on clusters and run simulation there. If you need any help with compiling, please let me know.


SimVascular Development Team

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Vitaly Kheyfets
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Re: Number of coupled surfaces > MAXSURF

Post by Vitaly Kheyfets » Tue Aug 15, 2017 8:24 pm

Hi Hongzhi,

Ok, thanks for letting me know. I've been keeping a close eye out for the new release.

I've been asking the cluster managers to hold off on installation, but hope to meet with them next week. They have considerably more experience than me with this kind of thing, so I'm hoping they will know how to compile scSolver. I see there are instructions on the site.

This might be a stupid question, but before compiling the source code, is it as simple as setting the MAXSURF variable to a higher value?



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Hongzhi Lan
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Re: Number of coupled surfaces > MAXSURF

Post by Hongzhi Lan » Wed Aug 16, 2017 12:08 pm

It's very straightforward. Search "MAXSURF" in the source code. Change the number in common_c.h and global.h
