Geometry is translated/mirrored when reopening project

Provides a system for patient-specific cardiovascular modeling and simulation.
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Charlotte Debbaut
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Geometry is translated/mirrored when reopening project

Post by Charlotte Debbaut » Thu Oct 12, 2017 5:07 am

Dear all,

I'm having trouble when reopening SimVascular projects. When creating (and saving) a project, the geometry (both path - contours - model - mesh) is nicely aligned with the image dataset. However, when reopening the project, the geometry is translated/mirrored to another location outside the image dataset. This repeatedly happened for three different projects I created. (I couldn't attach the project due to file size).

Any idea what could be the reason for this?

Best regards,
Charlotte Debbaut

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Gabriel Maher
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Re: Geometry is translated/mirrored when reopening project

Post by Gabriel Maher » Thu Oct 12, 2017 8:45 am

Hi Charlotte,

Thank you for letting us know about this. Would it be possible for you to attach a screenshot of what is happening?

If the mesh is simply not being displayed you may just need to right click on the mesh in the datamanager and choose the option "load/unload surface mesh" or "load/unload volume mesh" and choose yes when it asks if you want to load the mesh from file. The mesh should then be displayed again.



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Nathan Wilson
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Re: Geometry is translated/mirrored when reopening project

Post by Nathan Wilson » Thu Oct 12, 2017 9:13 pm

Hello Charlotte,

Is the data being mirrored or is it just translated and scaled well outside the image volume? Screen shots would help, but the only time I've seen the type of error you are describing is when:

1. You load the wrong image volume (somehow) for the model generated


2. There is a unit conversion issue, and the image volume is in say cm but the segmentations are done in mm. In this case, the segmentations and paths will be well outside the volume since they are "huge" compared to the image volume in cm.

How are you loading your image data? That is, is it a .vti or DICOM data?


SimVascular Development Team

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Charlotte Debbaut
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Re: Geometry is translated/mirrored when reopening project

Post by Charlotte Debbaut » Fri Oct 13, 2017 2:36 am

Dear Gabriel and Nathan,

Thank you for your replies.

I've uploaded a number of screenshots of the three projects I mentioned.

Indeed, I am able to visualize the meshes again using "load/unload surface/volume mesh". However, they are also located outside the image dataset.

I have the impression that the model is mirrored (rather than translated).

I loaded the images as DICOM files. I created a new project, did "add/replace image", indicated the DICOM files, then I say yes to copy the data as vti, and I say no to scaling the images.

Now, I just discovered that reloading the DICOMs (via "add/replace image" - also without scaling) solved the issue, meaning that images and model are nicely aligned. However, from the moment that I save and reopen the project, I run into the same error as before (mirrored geometry, not scaled).

Best regards,
Charlotte Debbaut
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