Creating files

Provides a system for patient-specific cardiovascular modeling and simulation.
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Matthew Monaghan
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Creating files

Post by Matthew Monaghan » Tue Aug 04, 2020 9:19 am

For the simulation I am trying to run, I have to use a super computer. To use the super computer, I have to have the files created when I click "Create Data Files for Simulation." When I click this, it says "files created" but they are no where to be found. I have compared with my other group members and none of us can figure out what the issue is. The files missing are geombc.dat.1, the restart files, and bct.dat (although I don't know if its a huge deal that I don't have this one as I have a text file with velocities and times attached). I do have presolver and flowsolver downloaded.

My group member is also trying to supercompute and it usually executes but his is getting hung up on the launch.

Thanks for all of your help

Matt Monaghan

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Matthew Monaghan
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Re: Creating files

Post by Matthew Monaghan » Tue Aug 04, 2020 9:21 am

Forgot to say this and I don't know if it matters but I do have the post solver

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David Parker
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Re: Creating files

Post by David Parker » Tue Aug 04, 2020 10:54 am

Hi Matt,

After you click Create Data Files for Simulation a Data files have been created window pops up. Click on the Show Details ... button to display a log of the create data files process. Copy everything what is shown in that scrolling area and post it here. It should look something like

Code: Select all

LINE 0000: mesh_and_adjncy_vtu mesh-complete/mesh-complete.mesh.vtu

LINE 0001: set_surface_id_vtp mesh-complete/mesh-complete.exterior.vtp 
LINE 0002: set_surface_id_vtp mesh-complete/mesh-surfaces/inflow.vtp 2

LINE 0003: set_surface_id_vtp mesh-complete/mesh-surfaces/outlet.vtp 3

LINE 0004: fluid_density 1.06

LINE 0005: fluid_viscosity 0.04

LINE 0006: initial_pressure 0

LINE 0007: initial_velocity 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001

LINE 0008: prescribed_velocities_vtp mesh-complete/mesh-surfaces/inflow
LINE 0009: bct_analytical_shape parabolic

LINE 0010: bct_period 1.0

LINE 0011: bct_point_number 2

LINE 0012: bct_fourier_mode_number 1

LINE 0013: bct_create mesh-complete/mesh-surfaces/inflow.vtp inflow.flo
LINE 0014: bct_write_dat bct.dat

LINE 0015: bct_write_vtp bct.vtp

LINE 0016: pressure_vtp mesh-complete/mesh-surfaces/outlet.vtp 0

LINE 0017: noslip_vtp mesh-complete/walls_combined.vtp

LINE 0018: write_geombc geombc.dat.1

LINE 0019: write_restart restart.0.1
It might be that we are not catching an error condition.

What OS are you using and which SV version?


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Matthew Monaghan
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Re: Creating files

Post by Matthew Monaghan » Tue Aug 04, 2020 11:31 am

I clicked show details and it is an empty box.
My OS is windows 10 and I am on the most recent simvascular version.
Thanks so much.
Matt Monaghan

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Matthew Monaghan
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Joined: Fri Jul 10, 2020 11:51 am

Re: Creating files

Post by Matthew Monaghan » Tue Aug 04, 2020 1:41 pm

I sent my file to my group member and it worked! thanks