My simulation still failing when I try to wrote B_INT in XML file.
In case of fluid and cmm simulation it writing boundary integral successfully but I am getting problem with ALE simulation.
simulation file: ... drive_link
simulation error:
Code: Select all
Eq N-i T dB Ri/R1 Ri/R0 R/Ri lsIt dB %t
FS 1-1 1.270e+02 [0 1.000e+00 1.000e+00 9.997e-05] [16828 0 98]
MS 1-1 1.273e+02 [0 1.000e+00 1.000e+00 9.889e-05] [61 -1 40]
FS 1-2 1.955e+02 [-29 3.416e-02 3.416e-02 9.997e-05] [8778 0 96]
MS 1-2 1.961e+02 [-47 4.131e-03 4.131e-03 9.881e-05] [216 -1 70]
FS 1-3 3.188e+02 [-74 1.943e-04 1.943e-04 9.998e-05] [15879 0 98]
MS 1-3 3.194e+02 [-70 2.877e-04 2.877e-04 9.649e-05] [198 -3 68]
FS 1-4 4.428e+02 [-116 1.581e-06 1.581e-06 9.998e-05] [15943 0 98]
[cn002:13973] *** Process received signal ***
[cn002:13973] Signal: Segmentation fault (11)
[cn002:13973] Signal code: (128)
[cn002:13973] Failing at address: (nil)
[cn002:13973] [ 0] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/[0x2adcdf450520]
[cn002:13973] [ 1] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/[0x2adcdf4b1f3d]
[cn002:13973] [ 2] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/[0x2adcdf4b3139]
[cn002:13973] [ 3] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/[0x2adcdf26e98c]
[cn002:13973] [ 4] /build-trilinos/svMultiPhysics-build/bin/svmultiphysics(_ZN7all_fun5integERK6ComModRK5CmModRK8faceTypeRK5ArrayIdEiSt8optionalIiEbN6consts27MechanicalConfigurationTypeE+0x3c6)[0x560960a814a6]
[cn002:13973] [ 5] /build-trilinos/svMultiPhysics-build/bin/svmultiphysics(_ZN6txt_ns28write_boundary_integral_dataERK6ComModR5CmModRK6eqTypeiNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEERK5ArrayIdEbb+0xe2)[0x560960bc4552]
[cn002:13973] [ 6] /build-trilinos/svMultiPhysics-build/bin/svmultiphysics(_ZN6txt_ns3txtEP10Simulationb+0xf93)[0x560960bc5863]
[cn002:13973] [ 7] /build-trilinos/svMultiPhysics-build/bin/svmultiphysics(_Z16iterate_solutionP10Simulation+0x25fe)[0x560960aefa9e]
[cn002:13973] [ 8] /build-trilinos/svMultiPhysics-build/bin/svmultiphysics(main+0x23c)[0x5609609ef92c]
[cn002:13973] [ 9] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/[0x2adcdf437d90]
[cn002:13973] [10] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/[0x2adcdf437e40]
[cn002:13973] [11] /build-trilinos/svMultiPhysics-build/bin/svmultiphysics(_start+0x25)[0x560960a176f5]
[cn002:13973] *** End of error message ***
prterun noticed that process rank 0 with PID 13973 on node cn002 exited on
signal 11 (Segmentation fault).
B_FS_Velocity_flux.txt file:
Code: Select all
# svMultiPhysics boundary integral results file.
# Quantities represent averaged scalar or flux values over each mesh face.
# Format
# ------
# face areas: [list of mesh face areas]
# step time [list of mesh face names]
# [time step] [time] [list of computed values for each mesh face]
face areas: 2.656e+00 1.724e+02 1.543e+00 2.969e-01 2.359e-01 2.286e-01 2.738e-01 5.993e-01 4.392e-01 2.088e-01 1.700e-01 1.767e-01 1.724e+02 1.997e+02 1.960e-01
step time lumen-inflow lumen-wall lumen-outflow lumen-btrunk lumen-rt_carotid lumen-carotid lumen-subclavian wall-inflow wall-outflow wall-btrunk wall-rt_carotid wall-carotid wall-inner wall-outer wall-subclavian
1 1.0000000000e-03 -2.2140731087e+01 3.2760882855e+01 8.3583504351e-07 6.6779915474e-05 2.2112932348e-04 1.9846685868e-04 1.3107301556e-05