Error with make on cluster (QT issues)

Provides a system for patient-specific cardiovascular modeling and simulation.
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David Parker
Posts: 1790
Joined: Tue Aug 23, 2005 2:43 pm

Re: Error with make on cluster (QT issues)

Post by David Parker » Wed May 22, 2019 10:47 am

Hi Tanmay,

You can install the svSolver deb package from the command line into your home directory. Download the installer (svsolver-linux-x64-2019.02.07.deb) to your home directory and execute the following commands

$ mkdir local-install
$ dpkg -x svsolver-linux-x64-2019.02.07.deb local-install

This installs the svSolver binaries and libraries into the $HOME/local-install directory

$ ls local-install/usr/local/sv/svsolver/2019-02-07/
bin include lib README-install svpost svpre svsolver svsolver-nompi

You can execute the solver using something like

$ mpiexec -np 8 $HOME/local-install/usr/local/sv/svsolver/2019-02-07/svsolver

or add $HOME/local-install/usr/local/sv/svsolver/2019-02-07/ to your PATH.

You will need to have mpich and gfortran installed on your cluster.
