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meshing error/ not responding difference

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2019 3:30 pm
by atefehrazavi

I create and smoothed a model (including aorta and coronary arteries) as suggested by Justin on the topic "Boundary Layer Meshing",
However the mesh either is failed or does not respond (attached) while it is being appended even with no boundary layer meshing. I was wondering to know what the differences are between these two errors, and if there is any suggestion to make the mesh to work.

I am using TetGen, applying local and regional refinements. The problem occurs when I add the regional refinement to the left coronary artery bifurcation.
I tried to attach the model, but it was too large.

I would appreciate any suggestion.

Thank you,

Re: meshing error/ not responding difference

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2019 3:45 pm
by davep
Hi Ati,

Upload your model to and I'll have a look. I will also need the parameters you used for your local and regional refinements.
