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svsolver error

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2019 7:52 am
by rya

I'm trying to do the simulation with "" (Aortofemoral Normal - 2) with constant deformable wall. There is an error during the presolve calculation but a solution seems to solve it : .

So I did the instructions explained here (viewtopicPhpbb.php?f=188&t=8641&p=23788&start=0&view=) but for Ubuntu 16.04. and changed stannspcg.f . The compilation works fine and good news the presolve works also fine without error.

However the svsolver shows an error (see enclosure error.txt). I didn't found anything in the FAQ on GitHub but perhaps I did search in the right place. I just added the .exe in Preferences (see the picture), but perhaps I have to add something more ?

Thank you in advance,
Have a nice day,


Re: svsolver error

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2019 10:00 am
by rya
Hello again,

I tried another solution by using cmake to compile svsolver. It works fine. However when I tried to use command line (mpiexec -np 8 svsolver) to solve it , I have :

/usr/local/bin/svsolver : ligne 58 : 7064 Erreur de segmentation (core dumped) $SV_HOME/bin/svsolver $*

What is the cause the core dump ?

Thank you in advance,
Have a nice day,


Re: svsolver error

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2019 10:18 am
by davep
Hi Ruiyi,

The svsolver executable you built using CMake is not installed in /usr/local/bin/svsolver unless you put it there manually.

The solver executable you built using CMake is called mysolver and is located in the CMake build directory under svSolver-build. Use this path to the solver when executing the simulation

mpiexec -np 8 <PathToBuild>/svSolver-build/mysolver


Re: svsolver error

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2019 3:38 am
by rya
Hi Dave,

Thank you for your answer. It seems however that the problem is still the same even with the right mysolver path, do you have an idea of what may causes this problem ?

Thank you in advance,
Have a nice weekend,


Re: svsolver error

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2019 8:06 pm
by davep
Hi Ruiyi,

Were any files written to the 8-procs_case directory? Could you do an ls -l on all the files in your project's SImulation directory?

Be sure to set svpre to /home/ryang/svsolver/Build/svSolver-build/mypre .

Would it be possible to put your project's SImulations directory on DropBox so I could download it and test?
