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Simulation problem (without GUI)

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2019 7:57 am
by mnicole

I'm new on SimVascular. I'm trying to launch a simulation with RCR parameters and deformable walls from prompt but, as you see in the attachment, it doesn't work. I've tried in several ways (few timesteps, different time step sizes, coarser mesh, more processors, using another computer :D ) and I've always obtained the same error.

I've launched the same simulation (with the same parameters) from the GUI and it worked very well. Moreover, to make me sure about the rightness of the .svpre file and .inp file, I've also used those files (attached) created by the GUI, but I've obtained the error again :cry: .

Thanks for your availability.

Maria Nicole

Re: Simulation problem (without GUI)

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2019 12:44 pm
by davep
Hi Maria,

Try running the solver without MPI using svsolver-nompi. That will tell us if the problem is with MPI or with your input files.


Re: Simulation problem (without GUI)

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2019 1:34 am
by mnicole
Hi David,

thank you for your answer. I've tried but it still doesn't work and in the attachment you can see the error.

Thank you!

Maria Nicole

Re: Simulation problem (without GUI)

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2019 12:11 pm
by davep
Hi Maria,

I see the warning message WARNING more data in restart than needed and error message in your attachment. This means that the restart file you used for the IC File for the rigid wall simulation is not compatible with the deformable wall simulation you are trying to run.

Make sure that you are using the same mesh and same solver parameters for both rigid and deformable wall simulations and that you selected the Last Step to restart.x.0 check box when converting the rigid simulation results.
