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A quetion about mesh

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2019 7:37 pm
by batmelody
Hi all,

I'd like to import a model whose format is "vtp" into SimVascular but I don't know why I can't mesh it, I got this model by deep learning.


Re: A quetion about mesh

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2019 9:39 am
by davep
Hi Wei,

When you try to mesh the model imported from a .vtp file what error messages are you seeing? What OS are you running on and what version of SimVascular are you using?

You may need to smooth your model before trying to mesh it.


Re: A quetion about mesh

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2019 11:42 pm
by batmelody
Hi David,

My version of SimVascular is "2018.11.25". There is no error message in Simvascular, I tried to mesh it both in Windows and OS but it didn't work.

I had smoothed the model, and estimated the global max edge size, it worked. But when I clicked the Run Mesher, the state was "Creating mesh......No image information at this position", mesh process stopped at 0%.

Or would you like to help me to check if my model can be meshed or simulated by SimVascular.


Re: A quetion about mesh

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2019 11:13 am
by davep
Hi Wei,

Please upload your model to DropBox, send me the link and I'll take a look.

On MacOS you can run SimVascular from the command line using


to see any error messages from the mesher.


Re: A quetion about mesh

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2019 11:01 pm
by batmelody
Hi David,

Here is the error message

"Checking surface mesh
Regions: 1
Number of Free Edges on Surface: 206
Number of Non-Manifold Edges on Surface: 151
There are bad edes on surface!
Terminating meshing!"

I have uploaded my model to Dropbox: ... nstalled=0

I am appreciated for your help


Re: A quetion about mesh

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2019 1:15 pm
by davep
Hi Wei,

I downloaded your model and was able to reproduce the meshing error.

The error messages Number of Non-Manifold Edges on Surface: 151 means that your model faces don't correctly define a surface enclosing a volume.

You could fix the model using Mesh Mixer but the mesher will still have problems with the coronary vessels that have sections with very small cross sectional area, some of the vessels have regions that almost collapse to a line. You would need to truncate vessels that do not have well-defined geometry.

Have a look at the coronary model described here to get an idea about how the geometry needs to be defined, like the caps at the ends of the vessels.


Re: A quetion about mesh

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2019 1:09 am
by batmelody
Hi David,

With your guiding, I run the mesher successfully after fixing my model, however there is a new problem when I try to simulate it. When I finish setting initial condition and click the bottom "create data files for simulation", it is failed to create some data files, the whole program is stopping at "creating Data files: bct, restart, geombc, etc". the error message is below:

92.61 core.mod.core.loggingadapter WARNING: Generic Warning: In S:\vtk-8.1.1\Common\Core\vtkInstantiator.cxx, line 265
vtkInstantiator::CreateInstance was deprecated for VTK 8.1 and will be removed in a future version.



Re: A quetion about mesh

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2019 9:51 am
by davep
Hi Wei,

The message you saw

92.61 core.mod.core.loggingadapter WARNING: Generic Warning: In S:\vtk-8.1.1\Common\Core\vtkInstantiator.cxx, line 265
vtkInstantiator::CreateInstance was deprecated for VTK 8.1 and will be removed in a future version

is not an error message, just a warning about some VTK deprecated functionality.

After creating data files a Finished window should pop up. Selecting the Show Details button will list any errors that occurred when creating the data files.
