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Error in converting results

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2019 9:13 pm
by hcebull

I'm trying to convert my deformable wall simulation results and I keep getting the following error at the end of the conversion:
Expected # of ints not recoverd from head
when looking for : vin plane traction
/usr/local/sv/svsolver/2019-01-19/svpost: line 58: 1752 Segmentation fault: 11 $SV_HOME/bin/svpost $*

In the converted results folder, I still get all_results_00000.vtp and all_results_00000.vtu, but not the rest of the time steps. I also get the other .txt files but pretty much contain all zeros. Can someone help explain this error?


P.S. I also attached my standard error and out files, if that may help.

Re: Error in converting results

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2019 8:28 pm
by davep
Hi Hannah,

It seems that the post processor could not find the correct number of results, maybe the numstart.dat file does not match the number of restart files, or there is a restart file / geombc mismatch. Did you copy over the results from a cluster?

Maybe you could run a small job with just a few processors on a small mesh. If that doesn't work then you can send me a DropBox link and I'll have a look.


Re: Error in converting results

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2019 7:11 pm
by hcebull
Hi Dave,

Thank you! I think you're right. I did copy the results from a cluster and since it was a large job I was using more processors so that must be causing the issue. I noticed sometimes if I re-run it, then it will be successful, so I'll keep working with it for now!
