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SimVascular Crashes during ML segmenting

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2019 3:41 pm
by srimenon
I'm trying to segment using the multi-vessel path approach. Every time I press the 'Segment using Machine Learning' button, SV starts processing, then gives out an error and crashes. Attached is a snapshot of the terminal shortly before crashing. The last error displayed is "error SVWrapper not loaded" and "Error setting image, sv_wrapper returned null".

Any ideas on what may be wrong?

Re: SimVascular Crashes during ML segmenting

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2019 12:10 pm
by gmaher
Hi Srihari,

Thanks for letting us know about this. Could you let me know the following information:

* What kind of image data are you using?
* What file format is the image?
* How are you loading in the image?

Then could you also let me know

* What operating system are using?
* What version of SimVascular are you using, is it the latest one?



Re: SimVascular Crashes during ML segmenting

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2019 4:22 pm
by srimenon
Hey Gabriel,

1. I'm studying MRI scans (not sure if thats what you're exactly asking)
2 and 3. I import them initially as .dcm files, but save them in SV collectively as one .vti file. Then once i fire up the SVproj file I think the .vti files are loaded (but i don't actually know where SV is loading the image files from subsequent to the initial import).

I'm operating SimVascular Version 2019.07.10 on windows 10.

Re: SimVascular Crashes during ML segmenting

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2019 4:30 pm
by nwilson

Please upgrade to the latest Windows release (August 9) as there is a fixed issue related to ML.
