Pressure values negative
Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2019 9:51 pm
Hi Developers,
1. If inlet flow condition and RCR BC's are sufficient to run a simulation and since we are not specifying pressure values anywhere, Is pressure undetermined upto a constant?
2. In my simulation all the pressure values are negative and seem to be higher at the outlets than the inlet. What can be the probable causes? My inlet values are prescribed properly as attached in the picture. I am using around 2.7 million elements and have tried time step of 0.001 and 0.0005.
3. I determined Rp,C and Rd values based on the pulse pressure method devised by N. Stergiopulos ( ) and the procedure published by Prof. Shawn Shadden titled "Quantification of Hemodynamics in Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms During Rest and Exercise Using MRI and CFD" ( ). For this I solved the 3-element windkessel model equation using Matlab to determine Capacitance. Is the equation to be solved the same as the equation shown in the attached picture? I have also attached the values of the boundary conditions. Do they look like the usual values? (I have some really small values of capacitance O(10^-8) for lumbar arteries)
4. This method of evaluating parameters is different from what you suggest for users. We can use this method in SimVascular right?
5. I understand that it can take around 6 cycles for the pressure to stabilize. But will the pressure values be random (non-physiological) in the first few cardiac cycles?
6. Can you please tell me a procedure as to how to systematically vary grid size, time step size and step construction values?
7. Also the geometry of some vessels are very thin at some places. Will this cause any error?
Please let me know if you need any further information to answer my questions!
Thanks a lot for your support!
1. If inlet flow condition and RCR BC's are sufficient to run a simulation and since we are not specifying pressure values anywhere, Is pressure undetermined upto a constant?
2. In my simulation all the pressure values are negative and seem to be higher at the outlets than the inlet. What can be the probable causes? My inlet values are prescribed properly as attached in the picture. I am using around 2.7 million elements and have tried time step of 0.001 and 0.0005.
3. I determined Rp,C and Rd values based on the pulse pressure method devised by N. Stergiopulos ( ) and the procedure published by Prof. Shawn Shadden titled "Quantification of Hemodynamics in Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms During Rest and Exercise Using MRI and CFD" ( ). For this I solved the 3-element windkessel model equation using Matlab to determine Capacitance. Is the equation to be solved the same as the equation shown in the attached picture? I have also attached the values of the boundary conditions. Do they look like the usual values? (I have some really small values of capacitance O(10^-8) for lumbar arteries)
4. This method of evaluating parameters is different from what you suggest for users. We can use this method in SimVascular right?
5. I understand that it can take around 6 cycles for the pressure to stabilize. But will the pressure values be random (non-physiological) in the first few cardiac cycles?
6. Can you please tell me a procedure as to how to systematically vary grid size, time step size and step construction values?
7. Also the geometry of some vessels are very thin at some places. Will this cause any error?
Please let me know if you need any further information to answer my questions!
Thanks a lot for your support!