1D simulation

Provides a system for patient-specific cardiovascular modeling and simulation.
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Amirtaha Taebi
Posts: 35
Joined: Fri Oct 12, 2018 3:54 pm

1D simulation

Post by Amirtaha Taebi » Tue Jul 14, 2020 12:41 pm

Hi SimVascularers,

I am trying to test the potentials of the 1D simulation for our research but I got some warnings and errors as I will describe bellow.
The computational domain is an arterial tree with one inlet and 46 outlets. I imported it to SimVascular (i.e. the geometry was not segmented from images in SimVascular). Then, I extracted the centerlines of the arteries and followed the simulation steps.

When I "Create Files for Simulation", I receive the following message indicating that there were some warnings:
A solver input has been generated with warnings.
Inspecting the generate-1d-mesh.txt file, I've got two types of warnings:
  • There are more than 2 child segments for groupid 4
  • Ain < Aout for group id 2, face name 'S5_04'
    This will cause problems for the 1D solver so setting Ain = Aout
When I "Run Simulation", I receive two messages:
unknown error return code
Simulation job has failed with non-zero exit code-1073740791.
Non of these error messages contain more details under the "Show Details" button.

Is this error related to any of the warnings I received during the file generation?

I use the latest version of SimVascular on windows. Please let me know if I need to provide any additional information.

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David Parker
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Joined: Tue Aug 23, 2005 2:43 pm

Re: 1D simulation

Post by David Parker » Fri Jul 17, 2020 10:16 am

Hi Amirtaha,

The exit code -1073740791 means that the 1D solver has crashed.

The warning There are more than 2 child segments for groupid 4 means that there are more than two branches coming out of a node. A warning is printed because this could increase the risk of producing negative areas.

The warning Ain < Aout for group id 2, face name 'S5_04' This will cause problems for the 1D solver so setting Ain = Aout means that inlet area < outlet area. This could also produce negative areas.

Both of these problems could crash the 1D solver. You can check the sv1dsolver.log file and see if there are any errors there.

You will need to correct the 1D mesh in the solver.in file.
