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1D simulations with pressure loss

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2021 1:47 am
by karenhelene
In the 1D simulation file there is an option to add type of pressure loss under the definition of segment.
However, I get a segmentation fault if I try to change the pressure loss from NONE to any of the other types.
From the 1D simulation tutorial I cannot find any examples using these feature.
So now I wonder how to use these feature correctly?

All the best

Re: 1D simulations with pressure loss

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2021 11:40 am
by pfaller
Hi Karen,

Unfortunately, these features are not tested right now. We plan to (re-)activate those in the future. If you need it urgently, you could have a look at the source code to track down the seg-fault:
