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Run simulation from starting point using command line

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2021 5:05 am
by rdegroff
Is there a way to run a simulation from a designated starting point using command line tools/Terminal, just like in the GUI?


Re: Run simulation from starting point using command line

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2021 11:01 am
by davep
Hi Ryan,

There are two ways to run a simulation from a designated starting point.

1) Continue from the last time step

Just run the svsolver program. It looks in the numstart.dat file to see which time step to start the simulation.

2) Start a simulation using an IC (initial condition) file

The SV GUI writes an .svpre file containing all the information to setup a simulation. The svpre program reads this file and creates the file from it.

You will need to add commands in the .svpre file giving the IC file name. I don't know what that command is. You will need to set the IC in the GUI and see how that is set in the .svpre file.
