ROM Simulation - Project results to 3D mesh issues
Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2021 8:55 am
Hi SV Devs,
I think this question is best aimed at Martin/people involved with the ROM solver.
I've been trying to trick the ROMsolver into projecting the results of a 1D sim onto a MeshSim mesh, which has proved a more little complicated then it sounds. Hopefully this explains my issues well enough.
A link to my project files: ... sp=sharing
In the project folder, I have a model of a patient's anatomy made with the Parasolid model type (Aorta_Model_cm) and a corresponding mesh made with MeshSim (Aorta_Mesh_3M).
However, as the ROM simulation's centreline calculation only appears to work with PolyData models, I created a 2nd model by converting the model into the PolyData model type (Aorta_Model_cm_PolyData).
I've been speaking with Dave trying to get the 'Project results to 3D mesh' option from the ROMsimulation tab to project the results of a 1D simulation (that uses the PolyData model) to the MeshSim mesh (created from the Parasolid model).
We've explored a few different options, but the only one that seems to have worked is to use the Python Console built into SV and run the script found in the OneD_Projection_Tests directory within the project. The script calls the function and points the volume_mesh_file object to the MeshSim mesh file in an existing 3D simulation also in the project.
This gives me a .vtu file filled with the projected information (thanks again Dave!), however when I try to use this file as the initial conditions for a 3D simulation I get a segmentation fault:
Error from Manchester's HPC -
Error on local machine -
This happens regardless of how I set the initial conditions ((a) by specifying the path to the projected-file in the 'Basic parameters' tab, or (b)when I replace'restart.0.1' with the projected-file).
Do you have any suggestions as to what is causing this error?
Best wishes,
I think this question is best aimed at Martin/people involved with the ROM solver.
I've been trying to trick the ROMsolver into projecting the results of a 1D sim onto a MeshSim mesh, which has proved a more little complicated then it sounds. Hopefully this explains my issues well enough.
A link to my project files: ... sp=sharing
In the project folder, I have a model of a patient's anatomy made with the Parasolid model type (Aorta_Model_cm) and a corresponding mesh made with MeshSim (Aorta_Mesh_3M).
However, as the ROM simulation's centreline calculation only appears to work with PolyData models, I created a 2nd model by converting the model into the PolyData model type (Aorta_Model_cm_PolyData).
I've been speaking with Dave trying to get the 'Project results to 3D mesh' option from the ROMsimulation tab to project the results of a 1D simulation (that uses the PolyData model) to the MeshSim mesh (created from the Parasolid model).
We've explored a few different options, but the only one that seems to have worked is to use the Python Console built into SV and run the script found in the OneD_Projection_Tests directory within the project. The script calls the function and points the volume_mesh_file object to the MeshSim mesh file in an existing 3D simulation also in the project.
This gives me a .vtu file filled with the projected information (thanks again Dave!), however when I try to use this file as the initial conditions for a 3D simulation I get a segmentation fault:
Error from Manchester's HPC -
Code: Select all
/usr/local/bin/svsolver: line 58: 23895 Segmentation fault $SV_HOME/bin/svsolver $*
Code: Select all
/usr/local/sv/svsolver/2021-06-15/svsolver: line 58: 3697 Segmentation fault (core dumped) $SV_HOME/bin/svsolver $*
Do you have any suggestions as to what is causing this error?
Best wishes,