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Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2021 1:15 am
by mattiazanchi
Hi everyone,
I've a doubt about the displacement in FSI CMM simulation.
Doing some simulations with deformable wall and analizing the results I've notice that the compute displacement is all the time greter that zero.
It's that correct ?
I mean, if I'm not wrong, the displacement show us the difference position of one point in rigid situation vs deformable one. So displacement greter that zero mean that during deformable wall simulation we have alwayse a "bigger" geometry compare to rigid one. This make sens ? It's not possible to arrive in a condition when the geometry is "smaller" compare to the rigid one?


Re: Displacement

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2021 11:49 am
by davep
Hi Mattia,

In the CMM method the displacement of the wall boundary nodes must be initialized. This is done as a pre-processing step where the vessel wall is deformed (inflated) according to the pressure specified for the simulatiion. So the displacements will be non-zero.

For more details on the implementation have a look at the CMM paper here ... 250500513X.
