Trouble in running in parallel ./svFSI

Provides a system for patient-specific cardiovascular modeling and simulation.
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Pratik Mitra
Posts: 6
Joined: Tue Oct 03, 2023 1:07 pm

Trouble in running in parallel ./svFSI

Post by Pratik Mitra » Tue Feb 27, 2024 11:24 am

I am trying to simulate cardiovascular flow in parallel. But my program got stuck in the middle. Also, not provide any error messages.
Can anyone help me with this issue?
File: ... Q?e=JLYDU9

My histor.dat shows:


SimVascular Fluid-Structure Interaction


This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY
Compiled on 02-27-2024

Running in parallel with 40 tasks
Number of meshes: 1
Reading mesh <msh>
<VTK XML Parser> Loading file <K-1_Try_1-mesh-complete/mesh-complete.mesh.vtu>
Checking IEN array structure for mesh <msh>
Reordering element connectivity
Number of available faces: 10
<VTK XML Parser> Loading file <K-1_Try_1-mesh-complete/mesh-surfaces/Inlet_neck.vtp>
<VTK XML Parser> Loading file <K-1_Try_1-mesh-complete/mesh-surfaces/aorta_wall.vtp>
<VTK XML Parser> Loading file <K-1_Try_1-mesh-complete/mesh-surfaces/S.vtp>
<VTK XML Parser> Loading file <K-1_Try_1-mesh-complete/mesh-surfaces/SMA.vtp>
<VTK XML Parser> Loading file <K-1_Try_1-mesh-complete/mesh-surfaces/LR.vtp>
<VTK XML Parser> Loading file <K-1_Try_1-mesh-complete/mesh-surfaces/RR.vtp>
<VTK XML Parser> Loading file <K-1_Try_1-mesh-complete/mesh-surfaces/LEI.vtp>
<VTK XML Parser> Loading file <K-1_Try_1-mesh-complete/mesh-surfaces/LII.vtp>
<VTK XML Parser> Loading file <K-1_Try_1-mesh-complete/mesh-surfaces/REI.vtp>
<VTK XML Parser> Loading file <K-1_Try_1-mesh-complete/mesh-surfaces/RII.vtp>
Number of nodes: 789150
Number of elements: 4662568
Mesh data imported successfully
Domain size X: -8.135E1 7.1115E1
Domain size Y: -1.908E2 -9.746E1
Domain size Z: -4.167E2 -5.071E1
Number of equations: 1
Using linear solver: BIPN
Using preconditioner: FSILS
Number of imposed BC for equation <fluid>: 10
Configuration is completed successfully

Thank you in advance,
Pratik Mitra

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David Parker
Posts: 1696
Joined: Tue Aug 23, 2005 2:43 pm

Re: Trouble in running in parallel ./svFSI

Post by David Parker » Tue Feb 27, 2024 12:14 pm

Hello Pratik Mitra,

What do you mean by my program got stuck in the middle ?

Do you mean that svFSI crashed? Did the job create any .bin or .vtu files?

The histor.dat file you included seems to show that svFSI did not start, should see something like

Code: Select all

 Configuration is completed successfully
 ParMETIS partitioned the mesh by cutting 2026 elements
 Constructing stiffness matrix sparse structure
 Total number of non-zeros in the LHS matrix: 448479
 Initializing state variables to zero
 Eq. <NS>
    Volume of domain <-1> is 3.7532E2
    Area of face <lumen_inlet> is 1.2494E1
    Area of face <lumen_outlet> is 1.2490E1
    Area of face <lumen_wall> is 3.7659E2

 Eq     N-i     T       dB  Ri/R1   Ri/R0    R/Ri     lsIt   dB  %t
 New time step size: 5.000E-3
 NS     1-1  2.6639  [   0 1.00000 1.00000 2.59E-1]  [  10  -13  66]
 NS     1-2  5.3289  [ -11 2.59E-1 2.59E-1 7.98E-1]  [  10   -2  65]
 NS     1-3  8.1369  [ -13 2.07E-1 2.07E-1 6.59E-1]  [  10   -4  66]

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Pratik Mitra
Posts: 6
Joined: Tue Oct 03, 2023 1:07 pm

Re: Trouble in running in parallel ./svFSI

Post by Pratik Mitra » Tue Feb 27, 2024 3:00 pm

Dear Dave,

Thank you for your quick reply.
When I am running this code, my last message is printed in the history.dat file is;

Code: Select all

Configuration is completed successfully.
Maybe it was able to read the grid but failed to start the "

Code: Select all

ParMETIS partitioned the mesh 
" and

Code: Select all

Constructing stiffness matrix sparse structure
Do you have any suggestions, on how to proceed.

Thank you,
Pratik mitra

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David Parker
Posts: 1696
Joined: Tue Aug 23, 2005 2:43 pm

Re: Trouble in running in parallel ./svFSI

Post by David Parker » Wed Feb 28, 2024 1:42 pm

Hello Pratik mitra,

You should make sure your simulation is setup correctly, run it from an sdev terminal.
