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Stress strain/stretch vtu/vtp files, vtk

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2024 5:25 pm
by bryceclink

Sry if this seems trivial. I am trying to learn Paraview post processing from Simvascular vtp/vtu files. I was trying to see if it is possible to export engineering stress and strain/stretch outputs from paraview.

My outputs that I am getting with plot over line filter are GlobalNodeID, avg_pressure, avg_speed, displacement:0, displacement:1, displacement:2 , pressure, timeDeriv:0, timeDeriv:1,timeDeriv:2, timeDeriv:3, vWSS:0, vWSS:1, vWSS:2, velocity:0, velocity:1, velocity:2, vinplane_traction:0, vinplane_traction:1, vinplane_traction:2, wallproperty:0, wallproperty:1, GlobalElementID,vtkvalidPointMask, arc_length, points:0, points:1, and points:2.

velocity and pressure and alike are straight forward, although I am unsure of what vinplain_traction, wallproperty, and Global Node/Elements are. I assume vinplane_traction is a stress tensor for velocity-based simulations.

Would anyone be able to explain how I might get stress and strain/stretch from Paraview, if say for instance I am working with a cylinder Coupled moment method fluid structure interface simulation? Or what filter is best suited for finding strain? Or would one need to find the strain manually?