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Adding outputs to visualize in Paraview, CEP simulations

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2024 3:57 am
by aleedimarcoo
Hi everyone,
I'm trying to add a new output to visualize in Paraview on a CEP simulation. I noticed that for CEP simulations there is only one default output, which is the Action potential, but I would like to add another variable to visualize in paraview at the same time. I added the equations to calculate this new variable in the CepMod file and I also would like to add this variable in the input file as an output, but I don't know how to do that. I've tried to do this as shown below but when I go to Paraview, nothing is visible, not even the Action potential.

<Output type="Spatial" >
<Action_potential> true </Action_potential>

<Output type="Alias" >
<Tension> true </Tension>

Could someone explain to me which is the best way to add a variable as an output?

Re: Adding outputs to visualize in Paraview, CEP simulations

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2024 4:38 am
by msalvad
Dear Alessia,

you can find the full list of all the currently supported outputs for Paraview in the header file called set_output_props.h within svFSIplus (also attached to this message).
If the variable you want to visualize for your CEP simulation is not listed here, this has to be manually added in the code first, following a similar path with respect to the other available variables.
Then, it can be used/enabled in the XML input file.

In principle, if you want multiple outputs of a certain type you can just specify them within the same output type.
For instance, for an FSI simulation, you can do:

<Output type="Spatial" >
<Displacement> true </Displacement>
<Velocity> true </Velocity>
<Jacobian> true </Jacobian>
<Stress> true </Stress>
<Strain> true </Strain>

I guess that the variable you need, which has to be visualized in Paraview, should go under the type "Spatial" as well.

