Failed with non-zero exit code -3
Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2024 6:44 pm
I am trying to run a simulation on a coronary/aorta model that I made, but when I use MPI, I get the following error.
I am using svSolver 2019-05-28, SimVascular 2023-03-27, Windows 10. I have MPI and Intel Fortran installed. I tried running the cylinder demo and the simulation worked. I tried remeshing my model, but I still receive the same error below and I am not sure what to do.
The correct mesh is "mesh_2" and I am trying to run the "steady" simulation.
Here is a link to my project: ... p=drivesdk
The number of processes is
lver Input Files listed as below:
Local Config: solver.inp
Default Input File: Not Setup.
Parameter Values setup as below:
Time Varying Boundary Conditions From File: True
BCT File Type: DAT
Number of BCT Files: 1
BCT Matching Type: Global Node ID
BCT Time Scale Factor: 1.0
Equation of State: Incompressible
Time Step Size: 0.001
Number of Timesteps: 6000
Viscous Control: Viscous
Number of Timesteps between Restarts: 50
Print Average Solution: True
Print Error Indicators: False
Number of Force Surfaces: 1
Surface ID's for Force Calculation: 1
Force Calculation Method: Velocity Based
Apply Wall Deformation: False
Number of Surfaces which Output Pressure and Flow: 0
Density: 1.06
Viscosity: 0.04
Solver Type: svLS
svLS Type: NS
Number of Krylov Vectors per GMRES Sweep: 100
Number of Solves per Left-hand-side Formation: 1
Tolerance on Momentum Equations: 0.001
Tolerance on Continuity Equations: 0.01
Tolerance on svLS NS Solver: 0.01
Maximum Number of Iterations for svLS NS Solver: 10
Maximum Number of Iterations for svLS Momentum Loop: 5
Maximum Number of Iterations for svLS Continuity Loop: 400
Time Integration Rule: Second Order
Time Integration Rho Infinity: 0.5
Flow Advection Form: Convective
Quadrature Rule on Interior: 2
Quadrature Rule on Boundary: 3
Number of Elements Per Block: 255
Number of Coupled Surfaces: 9
Pressure Coupling: Implicit
Number of RCR Surfaces: 1
List of RCR Surfaces: 3
RCR Values From File: True
Number of COR Surfaces: 8
List of COR Surfaces: 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
COR Values From File: True
Backflow Stabilization Coefficient: 0.2
Deformable Wall: False
Residual Control: True
Residual Criteria: 0.001
Minimum Required Iterations: 3
Step Construction: 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
Solver Task: Full Simulation
8-procs_case/ does not exist or is unusable
creating a new one
4 file(s) copied.
Changed to the directory 8-procs_case/
Time derivative of solution is set to zero (SAFE)
Element block size = 255
Domain size (x,y,z): 8.7366333008 9.4119403362 11.2249641418
Total number of nodes = 990397
Opening bct.dat
Process rank( 1) has 0 bct nodes.
Process rank( 0) has 0 bct nodes.
Process rank( 4) has 0 bct nodes.
Process rank( 7) has 0 bct nodes.
Process rank( 5) has 0 bct nodes.
Process rank( 6) has 0 bct nodes.
Process rank( 2) has 51996 bct nodes.
Process rank( 3) has 6210 bct nodes.
Simulation Type: RIGID WALL
increase overflow factor in genadj
job aborted:
[ranks] message
[0-2] terminated
[3] process exited without calling finalize
[4-7] terminated
---- error analysis -----
C:/Program Files/SimVascular/svSolver/2019-05-28/svsolver-msmpi-bin.exe ended prematurely and may have crashed. exit code 0
---- error analysis -----
I am trying to run a simulation on a coronary/aorta model that I made, but when I use MPI, I get the following error.
I am using svSolver 2019-05-28, SimVascular 2023-03-27, Windows 10. I have MPI and Intel Fortran installed. I tried running the cylinder demo and the simulation worked. I tried remeshing my model, but I still receive the same error below and I am not sure what to do.
The correct mesh is "mesh_2" and I am trying to run the "steady" simulation.
Here is a link to my project: ... p=drivesdk
The number of processes is
lver Input Files listed as below:
Local Config: solver.inp
Default Input File: Not Setup.
Parameter Values setup as below:
Time Varying Boundary Conditions From File: True
BCT File Type: DAT
Number of BCT Files: 1
BCT Matching Type: Global Node ID
BCT Time Scale Factor: 1.0
Equation of State: Incompressible
Time Step Size: 0.001
Number of Timesteps: 6000
Viscous Control: Viscous
Number of Timesteps between Restarts: 50
Print Average Solution: True
Print Error Indicators: False
Number of Force Surfaces: 1
Surface ID's for Force Calculation: 1
Force Calculation Method: Velocity Based
Apply Wall Deformation: False
Number of Surfaces which Output Pressure and Flow: 0
Density: 1.06
Viscosity: 0.04
Solver Type: svLS
svLS Type: NS
Number of Krylov Vectors per GMRES Sweep: 100
Number of Solves per Left-hand-side Formation: 1
Tolerance on Momentum Equations: 0.001
Tolerance on Continuity Equations: 0.01
Tolerance on svLS NS Solver: 0.01
Maximum Number of Iterations for svLS NS Solver: 10
Maximum Number of Iterations for svLS Momentum Loop: 5
Maximum Number of Iterations for svLS Continuity Loop: 400
Time Integration Rule: Second Order
Time Integration Rho Infinity: 0.5
Flow Advection Form: Convective
Quadrature Rule on Interior: 2
Quadrature Rule on Boundary: 3
Number of Elements Per Block: 255
Number of Coupled Surfaces: 9
Pressure Coupling: Implicit
Number of RCR Surfaces: 1
List of RCR Surfaces: 3
RCR Values From File: True
Number of COR Surfaces: 8
List of COR Surfaces: 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
COR Values From File: True
Backflow Stabilization Coefficient: 0.2
Deformable Wall: False
Residual Control: True
Residual Criteria: 0.001
Minimum Required Iterations: 3
Step Construction: 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
Solver Task: Full Simulation
8-procs_case/ does not exist or is unusable
creating a new one
4 file(s) copied.
Changed to the directory 8-procs_case/
Time derivative of solution is set to zero (SAFE)
Element block size = 255
Domain size (x,y,z): 8.7366333008 9.4119403362 11.2249641418
Total number of nodes = 990397
Opening bct.dat
Process rank( 1) has 0 bct nodes.
Process rank( 0) has 0 bct nodes.
Process rank( 4) has 0 bct nodes.
Process rank( 7) has 0 bct nodes.
Process rank( 5) has 0 bct nodes.
Process rank( 6) has 0 bct nodes.
Process rank( 2) has 51996 bct nodes.
Process rank( 3) has 6210 bct nodes.
Simulation Type: RIGID WALL
increase overflow factor in genadj
job aborted:
[ranks] message
[0-2] terminated
[3] process exited without calling finalize
[4-7] terminated
---- error analysis -----
C:/Program Files/SimVascular/svSolver/2019-05-28/svsolver-msmpi-bin.exe ended prematurely and may have crashed. exit code 0
---- error analysis -----