Visualizing Groups as Lofting solids

Provides a system for patient-specific cardiovascular modeling and simulation.
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M Moazzam Jawaid
Posts: 1
Joined: Mon Dec 01, 2014 3:52 am

Visualizing Groups as Lofting solids

Post by M Moazzam Jawaid » Thu Dec 04, 2014 7:13 am

After creating groups of contours/2D segmentations, When I want to visualize them as solid model by cliking parasolid>>Create Model>>Create Pre-Op Solid Model>>
It asks for me
RECREATE ALL SOLIDS????........................YES
Then I get the following ERROR and NO SOLID model is displayed ..

while executing
(procedure "createPREOPmodelCreateModel" line 80)
invoked from within
invoked from within
".guiCV.tframe3.tpanedwindow4.tframe6.tpanedwindow0.tframe2.frame2.frame3.notebook6.tframe11.tframe13.notebook1.tframe2.tframe5.frame1.button12 invoke "
invoked from within
".guiCV.tframe3.tpanedwindow4.tframe6.tpanedwindow0.tframe2.frame2.frame3.notebook6.tframe11.tframe13.notebook1.tframe2.tframe5.frame1.button12 instate..."
invoked from within
".guiCV.tframe3.tpanedwindow4.tframe6.tpanedwindow0.tframe2.frame2.frame3.notebook6.tframe11.tframe13.notebook1.tframe2.tframe5.frame1.button12 instate..."
(command bound to event)

Can anyone help me please, I am following the basic tutorial supplied on WEB of simVascular for creating Geometric models, but there this issue is not mentioned. Somewhere, I am committing mistake.

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Nathan Wilson
Posts: 46
Joined: Tue Jun 20, 2006 9:19 am

Re: Visualizing Groups as Lofting solids

Post by Nathan Wilson » Tue Dec 09, 2014 11:19 pm

You need to have a license for the Parasolid modeling kernel to use the "Parasolid" tab functionality. We don't support the Parasolid functionality in the public version and it's slated to be removed. Use the functionality in the "PolyData" tab instead.