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Queries related to inflow file in SV

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2017 7:04 am
by farah_13msit22
Hello SimVascular team :)

i'm having few queries related to inflow data /file.
As it's mentioned in documentation that flow rate is obtained from PC-MRI so could you please tell me
1. which format PC-MRI flow file used ?
2. how the range (initial and final) values are selected?
3.what are the real time values of velocity profile?
4.How the given flow file in coronary example can be used for other vessel models to show the pulsatile flow waveform?


Re: Queries related to inflow file in SV

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2017 6:19 pm
by nwilson
Hello Farah,

I'm not sure I understand all of your questions. For some simulations, we use PC-MRI data if present. This is less common today since many of our models come from CT data.

The old SimVascular GUI enabled the processing of 5X formatted GE PC-MRI data done with specific types of scans. The new GUI in SimVascular does not support PC-MRI processing.

At the end of the day, however, you can use any tool which creates a volumetric flow waveform from your 2-D PCMRI slice to specify the flow waveform to the flow solver. See the "Inlet Boundary Condition Specification" tab under the solver instructions:

SimVascular Development Team