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face ectraction error with 90 sep.angle

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2018 11:07 am
by farah_13msit22
Hello adam

i wanted to simulate the aortofemoral artery model.
As its a hollow model so for face extraction i first applied triangular filter in paraview and saved it as .stl format
then i apply face extraction operation in SV modelling module and when i delete each cap setting sep.angle as 15 the error in below image pop up .
kindly guide me how to solve this issue.


Re: face ectraction error with 90 sep.angle

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2018 8:53 am
by adam
Hi Farah,

I'm a little confused. You say you delete each cap and then try to extract faces? To delete the caps, you will have faces to begin with then? If you could clarify what you are trying to do, that would be helpful.

Where did you get this model?


SimVascular Development Team

Re: face ectraction error with 90 sep.angle

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2018 11:09 am
by farah_13msit22
hi adam,

the model is downloaded from an open source repository and it was in CAD format.
to use in SV for meshing and simulation i apply the triangle filter and convert the file into .stl
and to extract the hidden model faces i kept sep. angle option as 15 extract faces and delete each cap then to make one wall model when i extract the faces again with angle as 90 this error appear and crash the system.
i don't know how to solve it,please guide me.

farah deba

Re: face ectraction error with 90 sep.angle

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2018 6:40 pm
by adam
Hi Farah,

So you extract faces, delete caps, and extract faces again?

I've just tested this out with a simple model, and it worked fine, so it may be specific to your model.

If you share your project, I can take a look when I have the chance.


SimVascular Development Team

Re: face ectraction error with 90 sep.angle

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2018 11:55 pm
by farah_13msit22
Hi adam,

kindly tell me your email address, i will send you model files.

farah deba

Re: face ectraction error with 90 sep.angle

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2018 8:33 am
by adam
updega2 at berkeley dot edu