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about non-newtonian model

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2018 7:09 am
by jianfei
Dear Simvascular developers,
1. Is there a way to input non-newtonian flow model inside Simvascular. it seems that i can just input a constant for the viscosity term.
2. In simvascular if it can has a library for the artery models and stent models inside. If i want to inert a stent model into the artery model, if i can create a stent model inside simvascular, otherwise the only way is to create the stent model from other software like solidwork ?
Thanks so much.

Re: about non-newtonian model

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2018 9:30 am
by fuzzox294
Hi Jianfei,

Thank you for the questions! 1. There is currently no non-newtonian models in SimVascular currently. But this is a feature we are considering implementing in future versions, so stay tuned! 2. Yes, we recommend building the stent model in another software since SimVascular is optimized most for creating arterial models.

Re: about non-newtonian model

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2019 5:14 pm
by mirtatae
Dear Justin,

Any updates on this?


Re: about non-newtonian model

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 11:58 am
by davep
Hi Amirtaha,

Some preliminary work has been done on adding a non-Newtonian model to svFSI. It might be possible that this will be added this year but there is currently no solid plan for this.

There was recently a paper published discussing non-Newtonian models ... .2018.0486, has some interesting things to say about non-Newtonian models.


Re: about non-newtonian model

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 5:38 pm
by mirtatae
Hi David,

Thank you for sharing that paper. Their conclusion about the outcome of Newtonian and non-Newtonian models for an aneurysm CFD study is interesting.
Looking forward to seeing non-Newtonian feature in SimVascular tho since users are mostly researchers who are interested in studying blood (as a non-Newtonian fluid) flow in different vascular structures.
