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Failed to finish creating data files
Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 2:33 am
by samuelchiu
Dear All,
I was trying to use the "create data files for simulation" in the simulation part.
There is an error message "Failed to finish creating data files"
I found that two files were not created.
I import a .stl file to the step "Model" and start from there I created a mesh.
Inlet and outlet BC were specified as well.
Have I missed any critical step in creating the data files?
Thank you for your help.
Samuel Chiu
Re: Failed to finish creating data files
Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2018 11:51 am
by shakedregev
Sometimes SV fails to create data files because it has too many elements or too many points on the flow files. Try tweaking both of these, hopefully this works.
Re: Failed to finish creating data files
Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 5:01 pm
by kylee
I am having the same issue. All of the other data files are created expect geombc.dat.1, restart.0.1, and bct.dat file.
per program message when I click 'create data files for simulation:
error parsing num!
ERROR: command could not be processed.
I don't know what it means to have too many elements and the flow file is
0 -1000
1.0 -1000
How do I fix this issue?
Re: Failed to finish creating data files
Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2018 10:21 am
by shakedregev
The flow file is fine. What kind of mesh do you have? (# elements, boundary layer?, regional refinement? radius based?, etc)
Re: Failed to finish creating data files
Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2018 5:01 pm
by mirtatae
Hi SimVascularers!
I faced the same issue. Did you guys find any solutions?
Just to give you an idea of the problem that I'm working on: I have a simple model with 1 inlet and 3 outlets (my real model has 1 input and 23 outputs). I used surface and volume meshing as well as boundary layer meshing:
Global max edge size: 0.451 (I can't use a larger number to get smaller num of elements because mesh fails!)
Portion of edge size: 0.50
num of layers: 5
layer decreasing ratio: 0.80
Here is some information about my mesh:
# of nodes: 210077
# of elems: 1195213
# of edges: 84603
# of faces: 56402
(These numbers are significantly larger for my real model with more number of outputs)
At this step, I wanna run a steady state simulation just to test my pipeline. But it does fail to finish creating data files. I followed the same instruction explained here:
I just get these files in my Simulations/steady folder:
mesh-complete (folder)
bct.dat (which is empty)
Inlet.flow (1 KB)
numstart.dat (1 KB)
solver.inp (2 KB)
steady.svpre (1 KB)
Looking forward to hearing from you guys!
Re: Failed to finish creating data files
Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2018 7:25 pm
by davep
Hi Amirtaha,
There is a bug in the current release of the **svpre** program that causes it to crash when processing a boundary layer mesh ( see
The next release of SimVascular, probably next week, will have a fix for this bug.
Re: Failed to finish creating data files
Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2019 11:53 am
by mirtatae
Hi David,
Thank you very much and happy new year! Can you please confirm that the new version that you mentioned in your previous message has not released yet. I can't find it.
Re: Failed to finish creating data files
Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2019 12:08 pm
by davep
Hi Amirtaha,
Happy New Year!
We have not released a new svSolver version, we will do that in a week or so.
If you need it sooner you could build svSolver from source. What OS are you running on?
Re: Failed to finish creating data files
Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2019 12:24 pm
by mirtatae
Thanks David!
I am using Windows 10.
Re: Failed to finish creating data files
Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2019 12:49 pm
by davep
It might be a bit tricky for you to build svSolver on Windows. If you would like to do that then I can ask the Windows expert here how to do it.