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Tool/Software for Generating Synthetic Model?

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2018 12:38 am
by ykkan
Dear all,

Does anyone know how to generate synthetic model?
Our group plans to use deep learning to build a surrogate model for predicting the flow pattern in different artery geometries.
To see if our idea works, we are going to try simpler case first.
We will use SimVascular to compute the flow pattern for different synthetic shapes
and use the result to train our surrogate model.
One of the problems is that we have to generate large amount of synthetic shapes.
Does anyone know which software/tool is suitable for this task?
(the export format of models should be supported by SimVascular)

Yikai Kan

Re: Tool/Software for Generating Synthetic Model?

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2018 11:39 pm
by fkong7
Dear Yikai,

The latest version of SimVascular has a Python scripting interface that you can use to generate synthetic shapes. You can access the Python interface by clicking on the Python icon on the toolbar. It allows you to run scripts if you want to generate a large number of shapes. Depending on how complicated the shapes are, you could either generate simple solid geometries (cylinder, sphere, box) and then perform a boolean operation or generate shapes by creating appropriate path points, contours and then lofting them together.

We have some example Python scripts that demonstrate both options and I attached them here. There are also some slides from a workshop we hold recently that can hopefully guide you through this process. You can find the slides in under "Download Links" at (,

Please let me know if you have questions.


Re: Tool/Software for Generating Synthetic Model?

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2018 6:18 pm
by ykkan
Dear Fanwei,

Thank you for your great help!
This is exactly what we need.
I will check it out and try it.
