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Convergence problem

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2018 5:31 pm
by mamani
Dear all,
I'm working with Simvascular for steady flow but after many times trying I couldn't get a good nonlinear residual number, every time I got higher than 1*10-3 as in the guide is mentioned that it's not a good sign.
I put here the details of my simulation:
Unit in MGS
Number of Nodes: 182073
Number of Elems: 1069575
Number of Edges: 89568
Number of Faces: 59712
Inlet and Outlet BCs
BC Type: Prescribed Velocities
Analytic shape: parabolic
Point Number: 201
Fourier Modes: 10
Flow rate(from File):
0.0 -507163.7
1.0 -507163.7
Period: 1
Outlet, Resistance: 0.02366
Wall Properties
Type: Rigid
Solver Parameters
Time Step Parameters
Number of Timesteps: 1000
Time Step Size: 0.01
Output Control
Number of Timesteps between Restarts: 20
Output Surface Stress: True
Force Calculation Method: Velocity Based
Print Average Solution: True
Print Error Indicators: False
Step Construction: 15
Advanced Parameters
Pressure Coupling: Implicit
Backflow Stabilization Coefficient: 0.2
Non-linear Iteration Control
Residual Control: True
Residual Criteria: 0.01
Minimum Required Iterations: 3
Linear Solver
svLS Type: NS
Number of Krylov Vectors per GMRES Sweep: 100
Number of Solves per Left-hand-side Formation: 1
Tolerance on Momentum Equations: 0.005
Tolerance on Continuity Equations: 0.04
Tolerance on svLS NS Solver: 0.04
Maximum Number of Iterations for svLS NS Solver: 100
Maximum Number of Iterations for svLS Momentum Loop: 20
Maximum Number of Iterations for svLS Continuity Loop: 4000
Discretization Control
Time Integration Rule: Second order
Time Integration Rho Infinity: 0.5
Flow Advection Form: Convective
Quadrature Rule on Interior: 2
Quadrature Rule on Boundary: 3
Actually, I got good residual when I decreased the inflow to 10 [mm3/s] but I'd like to know that is it high inflow(507163.7[mm3/s]) for Simvascular? what is the maximum inflow that I can use in Simvascular?
I tried to change my solver parameters to have a good result but I wonder if you could possibly explain me to how can I deal with this problem?
Do you have any idea about good solver parameters?
Thank you in advance.
Kind regards,

Re: Convergence problem

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2018 1:41 pm
by wgyang
You can change the following parameters in solver.inp to see if there is any improvement.
1. reduce your time step dt, say 0.005
2. decrease residual criteria, say 0.001
3. increase nonlinear iterations, add "Step Construction 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1" to solver.inp
I am not sure how many iterations you use. Usually 7 iterations are sufficient for a rigid case.

Re: Convergence problem

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2019 4:51 am
by markcowell23
wgyang wrote:
Thu Dec 20, 2018 1:41 pm
You can change the following parameters in solver.inp to see if there is any improvement. 1. reduce your time step best washing machine dt, say 0.0052. decrease residual criteria, say 0.001 3. increase nonlinear iterations, add "Step Construction 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1" to solver.inp I am not sure how many iterations you use. Usually 7 iterations are sufficient for a rigid case.
I'm facing same problem. And I've tried everything you said.. But nothing helped me!

Re: Convergence problem

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2019 11:00 am
by vvedula22
Could you give us more information about the geometry and vessel dimensions? Are you trying to solve flow in a cylinder? What is the flow Reynolds number?