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generate required mesh for svpre without using gui interface

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 12:40 am
by thisisbob07
Dear all,

I tried to perform simulation (including solid modeling) without GUI interface provided by simvascular.
I also noticed that a "mesh-complete" folder containing several mesh files is needed before running svpre.

If I have a wall surface model without capping, what tools (vtk, vmtk, tetgen...) should I use to generate the required mesh files? Any instructions?
Thank you in advanced.


Re: generate required mesh for svpre without using gui interface

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 10:46 am
by davep
Hi Mark,

The easiest thing to do would be to use SimVascular via the GUI to do this. Is there a reason not to use the GUI? It hides all the details of the underlying software (e.g. tetgen) needed to create a mesh for simulation. In a couple of months or so we will be releasing a Python interface to SimVascular that you could use to programatically create models and meshes.
