Data Extraction

In this project we provide tools for analyzing gait using a video footage from a single camera. Our software is based on machine learning models, in particular on convolutional neural networks.
To train our machine learning models we used a dataset of o
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Mritula Chandrasekaran
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Data Extraction

Post by Mritula Chandrasekaran » Mon Aug 24, 2020 1:39 pm

Thanks for the dataset. It looks promising to my research. I tried downloading the dataset it got downloaded as zip file named "video-gait-v1". But I am neither able to open nor extract it. It just takes a lot of time and gives error that the compressed folder is invalid. I tried with 3 different systems with good internet connection. Can you kindly let me know if there are any other sources to retrieve the data or is it in cloud anywhere else? Kindly let me know or else can you split the data and help us in downloading?


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bai yijun
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Re: Data Extraction

Post by bai yijun » Tue Apr 20, 2021 10:10 pm

Hello,I downloaded it and uncompressed with linux Ubuntu 18.04,but it does not have a file named processed.Did everyone get the same situation?

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bai yijun
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Re: Data Extraction

Post by bai yijun » Tue Apr 20, 2021 10:36 pm

Hello,I downloaded it and uncompressed with linux Ubuntu 18.04,but it does not have a file named processed.Did everyone get the same situation?

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Mritula Chandrasekaran
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Re: Data Extraction

Post by Mritula Chandrasekaran » Fri Jun 04, 2021 12:42 am

With windows, I am able to download and unzip using 7zip utility. Winzip is not working. The file is very big.


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Rahm Ranjan
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Re: Data Extraction

Post by Rahm Ranjan » Tue Jul 26, 2022 10:49 pm

Thank you Mritula for this advice. Winzip was causing me troubles for the file and you have helped solve that.
