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OpenColab OpenSim-Models

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2022 4:44 am
by fgarciaavello
Hello, first of all thanks for all the work and tutorials. I think merging colab with openSim has tremendous potential. My question is simple, I am just trying to import other OpenSim Models besides the one you have in the colab example (Gait2354) but I am having trouble with that. Particularly I would like to use one of the upper extremety models such as the scapulothoracic model ( https:(slash) (slash) scapulothoracic ) or maybe a simple full body model with both upper and lower extremities.

Thanks in advance

Re: OpenColab OpenSim-Models

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2022 11:48 pm
by hossein
Hi Fernando,

Thanks for your question. Could you share your piece of script that you try to load the model? In general the process should be quite similar to what we have shown in tutorials.

Re: OpenColab OpenSim-Models

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2022 5:11 am
by fgarciaavello
Hi Hossein, sure. What I am doing is the following:
In the following lines:
#@title OpenSim model details e.g. joints, bodies, muscles
from opensim import Model
a = Model("/content/opensim-models/Pipelines/Gait2354_Simbody/gait2354_simbody.osim")

I am just substituing "Gait_2354" for the corresponding name of the model obtained from here: ... QuickLinks.
But as can be expected the model is not found in this way.
I am seeing now these lines:
#@title Step 2: Let's import dataset from 5 GitHub URLs
# OpenSim models etc from github
!git clone # models needed
!git clone # models needed
!cp /content/opensim-models/Models/Gait2354_Simbody/* /content/opensim-models/Pipelines/Gait2354_Simbody

Maybe I do need to import the aforementioned models in these lines also, right ?
Would it be the same procedure if I want to import the Scapulothoracic Joint model? which is not in the above quicklinks neither is it here: ... ter/Models

Re: OpenColab OpenSim-Models

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2022 7:23 pm
by hossein

well I cannot tell from the links you sent but if you upload the .osim files properly, you should be able to double click on it on Colab and see the details properly on the right hand side. If this is not the case, you have not uploaded it properly. Another suggestion is that you download your osim file and see if GUI can properly show the details. Then just simply upload it via your PC to make sure all is fine.

Let me know how you go. You can simply put these in Colab so that I can see it better what you do and share that Colab link.
