Calibration process

New project for OpenCap, which is a new software package to estimate 3D human movement dynamics from smartphone videos. OpenCap strongly relies on OpenSim.
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Hoon mini
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Calibration process

Post by Hoon mini » Mon Jan 29, 2024 11:40 pm

Can Opencap software capture images simultaneously in the sagittal and frontal planes using two computers(Each camera up to 2)? If this is done, is it necessary to align the origin of the checkerboard during the calibration process? If alignment is required, is it possible to align the origins of two checkerboards?

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Scott Uhlrich
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Re: Calibration process

Post by Scott Uhlrich » Wed Jan 31, 2024 10:36 am

You can capture sagittal and frontal plane by orienting the checkerboard 45 degrees from the frontal plane. both cameras will be able to see it in that case.

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Hoon mini
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Re: Calibration process

Post by Hoon mini » Thu Mar 21, 2024 1:07 am

"I plan to validate OpenCap in comparison with motion capture. It is recommended to rotate the checkerboard by 45 degrees for calibration to measure both the sagittal and frontal planes. In that case, how should I align the global coordinate system of motion capture with the origin coordinates in OpenCap?"

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Antoine Falisse
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Re: Calibration process

Post by Antoine Falisse » Tue Mar 26, 2024 12:14 pm

OpenCap measures both frontal and saggital planes. Please take a look at our best practices here: You do not necessarily need to rotate the checkerboard.

To align the two systems, we recommend positioning a marker at the origin of the checkerboard (top left black-to-black corner) and align the checkerboard with eg force plates. That way you should be able to align both system during post-processing.

Hope it helps,

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Hoon mini
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Re: Calibration process

Post by Hoon mini » Tue Mar 26, 2024 10:36 pm

I always feel grateful for your hard work.