Open Cap Kinetics Code

New project for OpenCap, which is a new software package to estimate 3D human movement dynamics from smartphone videos. OpenCap strongly relies on OpenSim.
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Ainsley Svetek
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Open Cap Kinetics Code

Post by Ainsley Svetek » Thu Feb 22, 2024 1:59 pm

Hi there! I am conducting some testing using your software and services. I was looking at the code you posted for computing the kinetics and was wondering how this was able to be used. Do I simply upload it into python and then input my own naming conventions from my trials? I have been trying to figure it out but a bit confused so any guidance would be helpful! Also - does it only work for walking and running trials?

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Antoine Falisse
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Re: Open Cap Kinetics Code

Post by Antoine Falisse » Thu Feb 22, 2024 4:44 pm


> Do I simply upload it into python and then input my own naming conventions from my trials?

There are instructions here ... imulations and examples here ... and here ... Not only walking and running examples.

Some more details here too ... /OpenSimAD


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Anthony Wash
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Re: Open Cap Kinetics Code

Post by Anthony Wash » Thu Mar 14, 2024 1:18 pm

I am trying to get kinetic information from opencap using the example. I input the session id and the trial name and motion type and time window for a jumping trial. When I run the code in my anaconda prompt, it goes all the way to 5000 iterations and problem does not converge. I'm not sure why it takes so long and does not converge or if I am doing something wrong with editing and saving the python file.

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Antoine Falisse
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Re: Open Cap Kinetics Code

Post by Antoine Falisse » Fri Mar 15, 2024 11:10 am

Hey, please take a look at the material here: ... /OpenSimAD.

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Matt Petrucci
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Re: Open Cap Kinetics Code

Post by Matt Petrucci » Thu Mar 21, 2024 11:43 am

You may also want to simulate a shorter time period of the jump first to make sure that converges before extending the time to the full jump cycle.

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Anthony Wash
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Re: Open Cap Kinetics Code

Post by Anthony Wash » Wed Mar 27, 2024 11:28 am

I have changed the time window to under 2s for the up phase of the jump on the file. I've changed the mesh density to 50 and ipopt tolerance to 3 on the file. Do I have to run these two files separately in my anaconda prompt terminal?

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Matt Petrucci
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Re: Open Cap Kinetics Code

Post by Matt Petrucci » Thu Mar 28, 2024 12:16 pm

Hi Anthony, once you've made those changes and save them, you should only have to run the code again. It calls