Opencap muscle upper limb

New project for OpenCap, which is a new software package to estimate 3D human movement dynamics from smartphone videos. OpenCap strongly relies on OpenSim.
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Yingchao You
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Opencap muscle upper limb

Post by Yingchao You » Sun Jan 22, 2023 11:46 am

I am focuing on the muscle forces analysis of upper limb. However, the default model of opencap don't has muscle of upper limb.

So I am wondering that how can I can add muscles on the scaled model?

Thanks very much.

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Antoine Falisse
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Re: Opencap muscle upper limb

Post by Antoine Falisse » Mon Jan 23, 2023 10:43 am


The best approach would probably be to 1) add muscles to the unscaled model and 2) rescale the model. These OpenCap files might be helpful:

1) You can find the unscaled model here: ... dHand.osim
2) You can find the marker set here: ... menter.xml
3) You can find the setup file for scaling here: ... rms_KA.xml
4) When you download OpenCap data, you get the marker data from the neutral pose under MarkerData/neutral.trc

There are existing OpenSim models with arm muscles, so you leverage what is existing already to add muscles to the upper body.

Let us know for questions,


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Cat X
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Re: Opencap muscle upper limb

Post by Cat X » Wed May 29, 2024 7:35 am

How would one add muscles to the upper body of the unscaled version of the LaiUlrich2022.osim model?

In particular, I am integrate the existing Upper Extremity Kinematic Model (, which contains a .jnt and .msl file. Thank you!

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Antoine Falisse
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Re: Opencap muscle upper limb

Post by Antoine Falisse » Tue Jun 04, 2024 3:51 pm

Hi, this question is better suited for the OpenSim forum: indexPhpbb.php?f=91
Thanks, Antoine