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Toes and digits accuracy

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2023 2:28 am
by jjppgarciam
Hello, Opencap team!
Thank you very much for this amazing tool.

I am about to start a research where toes and hands are particularly important.
Is opencap able to detect and measure feet and hands movements (e.g. all toes during gait, fingers in hand movements)?
If not, is there a solution to implement, (e.g. markers).

Thanks a lot.

Jun Pablo

Re: Toes and digits accuracy

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2023 11:00 am
by suhlrich
OpenCap does not resolve finger or toe motion. Algorithms that predict SMPL-X or SMPL-H meshes can resolve hands. I'm not aware of any pose estimation models that resolve the toes.