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How to "hide" a second subject in the field of view of opencap

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2024 2:26 am
by ranieri1996

we are using OpenCap to track the movements of an operator on a patient. The problem is that Openpose recognizes two "same size" subjects.
To try to alleviate this problem if we dressed the patient in a full-body suit and monochrome colors (black or white), could Openpose recognize only the operator of interest and "hide" the patient?

Best regards,

Re: How to "hide" a second subject in the field of view of opencap

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2024 10:15 am
by mpetrucc
Hi Ranieri,

If you cannot get the second person to appear shorter, the best option is to occlude the second person as much as possible. We've heard of things that can complete occlude the limbs (for example, a drape or gown) can work well, or the person could stand behind a screen. Note, dressing them in monochrome colors won't help.

Hope this helps,