Interpretation of README outputs and general questions
Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2023 9:12 pm
Hi all,
Thanks for developing this great tool! You have definitely saved me a significant amount of time! I am wondering if you
could please answer several questions I have in relation to the README outputs and just general questions.
1. In the Models folder there is a final.osim and optimized_scale_and_markers.osim - what is the difference between these models?
2. In the marker list I have several markers that are fixed, for example the radius and ulna markers, however their position in
the final.osim model is adjusted - is this to be expected?
3. If I have ground reaction forces in my uploaded C3D files does this lead to (inverse) dynamics been performed with the purpose
of null residuals whilst scaling is simultaneously done?
4. Is there a reason for why the optimization max iterations is 500? This does not lead to an optimized solution as the optimality
criteria are not met. Also, what are the equality constraints included within the optimization process?
5. What does ">> MARKER WARNING: Dropping marker "", only on 2.882883 percent of frames" mean?
6. What does ">> MARKER WARNING: Dropping marker r_knee for suspicious acceleration on frame 17" mean? Is it
possible to ignore this warning and use the marker?
7. What determines whether a marker is flickering? ">> MARKER WARNING: Ignored flickering marker r_shank_antsup from frames 13 to 15"
8. Why is a marker getting relabelled to another marker? Can this be avoided? ">> MARKER WARNING: Relabeled r_shank_antsup as r_knee on frame 16 to preserve smooth movement"?
Sorry for the bunch of questions!
Thanks for developing this great tool! You have definitely saved me a significant amount of time! I am wondering if you
could please answer several questions I have in relation to the README outputs and just general questions.
1. In the Models folder there is a final.osim and optimized_scale_and_markers.osim - what is the difference between these models?
2. In the marker list I have several markers that are fixed, for example the radius and ulna markers, however their position in
the final.osim model is adjusted - is this to be expected?
3. If I have ground reaction forces in my uploaded C3D files does this lead to (inverse) dynamics been performed with the purpose
of null residuals whilst scaling is simultaneously done?
4. Is there a reason for why the optimization max iterations is 500? This does not lead to an optimized solution as the optimality
criteria are not met. Also, what are the equality constraints included within the optimization process?
5. What does ">> MARKER WARNING: Dropping marker "", only on 2.882883 percent of frames" mean?
6. What does ">> MARKER WARNING: Dropping marker r_knee for suspicious acceleration on frame 17" mean? Is it
possible to ignore this warning and use the marker?
7. What determines whether a marker is flickering? ">> MARKER WARNING: Ignored flickering marker r_shank_antsup from frames 13 to 15"
8. Why is a marker getting relabelled to another marker? Can this be avoided? ">> MARKER WARNING: Relabeled r_shank_antsup as r_knee on frame 16 to preserve smooth movement"?
Sorry for the bunch of questions!