CMC Crashing Problems
Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 12:13 am
I'm also having problems running CMC on the slow running trial. I was able to successfully run RRA and CMC from May's sample set up files. I can also successfully run RRA from my own setup file.
I'll list the error read out from the command prompt after this, but first I want to quickly explain the steps I've taken to try to fix this.
1) relocated the CM position
2) locked joints
3) recalculated IK solution
4) for cmc, using fast optimization
5) set cmc_time_window to .001
The error I get is "The optimizer could not find a solution at time = 0.91000."
I chose my time interval to between 0.8325 and 1.1283, which are the times where the GRF is nonzero.
This program includes software developed by the
Apache Software Foundation (
Deleted model
Library SdfastEngine...
Library SimbodyEngine...
Constructing investigation from setup file HW2_CMC_settings.xml.
AbstractTool EricLew_CMC_output_ loading model 'EricLewScaledModel.osim'
Created model EricLew.3DGaitModel2354-Scaled from file EricLewScaledModel.osim
Adding actuator set from hpl_overground_CMC_Actuators.xml
Handling locked coordinate.
Handling locked coordinate.
Handling locked coordinate.
Handling locked coordinate.
SimbodyCoordinate.setValue: WARN- coordinate subtalar_angle_r is locked. Unable
to change its value.
SimbodyCoordinate.setValue: WARN- coordinate mtp_angle_r is locked. Unable to ch
ange its value.
SimbodyCoordinate.setValue: WARN- coordinate subtalar_angle_l is locked. Unable
to change its value.
SimbodyCoordinate.setValue: WARN- coordinate mtp_angle_l is locked. Unable to ch
ange its value.
Loaded library
MODEL: EricLew.3DGaitModel2354-Scaled
actuators: 19
analyses: 0
contacts: 0
Running tool EricLew_CMC_output_.
MODEL: EricLew.3DGaitModel2354-Scaled
body[0] = ground (mass: 0) (inertia: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
body[1] = pelvis (mass: 10.7957) (inertia: 0.102245 0 0 0 0.0866297 0 0 0 0.0575
body[2] = femur_r (mass: 9.16649) (inertia: 0.151728 0 0 0 0.0391486 0 0 0 0.151
body[3] = tibia_r (mass: 4.44813) (inertia: 0.0785012 0 0 0 0.00794357 0 0 0 0.0
body[4] = talus_r (mass: 0.100323) (inertia: 0.00115599 0 0 0 0.00115599 0 0 0 0
body[5] = calcn_r (mass: 1.25404) (inertia: 0.00161839 0 0 0 0.00450837 0 0 0 0.
body[6] = toes_r (mass: 0.2173) (inertia: 0.0001156 0 0 0 0.0002312 0 0 0 0.0011
body[7] = femur_l (mass: 8.66387) (inertia: 0.135921 0 0 0 0.0359937 0 0 0 0.135
body[8] = tibia_l (mass: 4.49262) (inertia: 0.0798143 0 0 0 0.00807644 0 0 0 0.0
body[9] = talus_l (mass: 0.0910518) (inertia: 0.00098348 0 0 0 0.00098348 0 0 0
body[10] = calcn_l (mass: 1.13815) (inertia: 0.00137687 0 0 0 0.00383558 0 0 0 0
body[11] = toes_l (mass: 0.197218) (inertia: 9.835e-005 0 0 0 0.0001967 0 0 0 0.
body[12] = torso (mass: 32.4951) (inertia: 1.34554 0 0 0 0.906256 0 0 0 1.34554)
actuator[0] = FX (controls: FX.excitation)
actuator[1] = FY (controls: FY.excitation)
actuator[2] = FZ (controls: FZ.excitation)
actuator[3] = MX (controls: MX.excitation)
actuator[4] = MY (controls: MY.excitation)
actuator[5] = MZ (controls: MZ.excitation)
actuator[6] = hip_flexion_r_reserve (controls: hip_flexion_r_reserve.excitation)
actuator[7] = hip_adduction_r_reserve (controls: hip_adduction_r_reserve.excitat
actuator[8] = hip_rotation_r_reserve (controls: hip_rotation_r_reserve.excitatio
actuator[9] = knee_angle_r_reserve (controls: knee_angle_r_reserve.excitation)
actuator[10] = ankle_angle_r_reserve (controls: ankle_angle_r_reserve.excitation
actuator[11] = hip_flexion_l_reserve (controls: hip_flexion_l_reserve.excitation
actuator[12] = hip_adduction_l_reserve (controls: hip_adduction_l_reserve.excita
actuator[13] = hip_rotation_l_reserve (controls: hip_rotation_l_reserve.excitati
actuator[14] = knee_angle_l_reserve (controls: knee_angle_l_reserve.excitation)
actuator[15] = ankle_angle_l_reserve (controls: ankle_angle_l_reserve.excitation
actuator[16] = lumbar_extension_reserve (controls: lumbar_extension_reserve.exci
actuator[17] = lumbar_bending_reserve (controls: lumbar_bending_reserve.excitati
actuator[18] = lumbar_rotation_reserve (controls: lumbar_rotation_reserve.excita
numControls = 19
numStates = 46
numCoordinates = 23
numSpeeds = 23
numActuators = 19
numBodies = 13
y[0] = pelvis_tx
y[1] = pelvis_ty
y[2] = pelvis_tz
y[3] = pelvis_tilt
y[4] = pelvis_list
y[5] = pelvis_rotation
y[6] = hip_flexion_r
y[7] = hip_adduction_r
y[8] = hip_rotation_r
y[9] = knee_angle_r
y[10] = ankle_angle_r
y[11] = subtalar_angle_r
y[12] = mtp_angle_r
y[13] = hip_flexion_l
y[14] = hip_adduction_l
y[15] = hip_rotation_l
y[16] = knee_angle_l
y[17] = ankle_angle_l
y[18] = subtalar_angle_l
y[19] = mtp_angle_l
y[20] = lumbar_extension
y[21] = lumbar_bending
y[22] = lumbar_rotation
y[23] = pelvis_tx_u
y[24] = pelvis_ty_u
y[25] = pelvis_tz_u
y[26] = pelvis_tilt_u
y[27] = pelvis_list_u
y[28] = pelvis_rotation_u
y[29] = hip_flexion_r_u
y[30] = hip_adduction_r_u
y[31] = hip_rotation_r_u
y[32] = knee_angle_r_u
y[33] = ankle_angle_r_u
y[34] = subtalar_angle_r_u
y[35] = mtp_angle_r_u
y[36] = hip_flexion_l_u
y[37] = hip_adduction_l_u
y[38] = hip_rotation_l_u
y[39] = knee_angle_l_u
y[40] = ankle_angle_l_u
y[41] = subtalar_angle_l_u
y[42] = mtp_angle_l_u
y[43] = lumbar_extension_u
y[44] = lumbar_bending_u
y[45] = lumbar_rotation_u
Loading desired kinematics from file RRA_outputs\hpl_overground_RRA__Kinematics_
q.sto ...
Storage: file=RRA_outputs\hpl_overground_RRA__Kinematics_q.sto (nr=293 nc=24)
WARN- The final time set for the cmc run is past the last time stamp
in the desired kinematics file RRA_outputs\hpl_overground_RRA__Kinematics_q.sto.
Resetting the final time from 1.12833 to 1.1245.
Low-pass filtering desired kinematics with a cutoff frequency of 6...
Loading external loads kinematics from file hpl_overground_slow_run_IK_joints_lo
cked_hw2.sto ...
Storage: file=hpl_overground_slow_run_IK_joints_locked_hw2.sto (nr=37 nc=159)
Low-pass filtering external load kinematics with a cutoff frequency of 6...
Storage: file=hpl_overground_slow_run_grf.mot (nr=4800 nc=19)
Note: requested COM adjustment time range 0.91 - 1.1245 clamped to nearest avail
able data times 0.9095 - 1.1245
Computing average residuals between 0.9095 and 1.1245
Average residuals before adjusting pelvis COM:
FX=-28.1254 FY=-70.6848 FZ=31.7662
MX=3.23237 MY=-3.79898 MZ=-69.583
pelvis weight = 105.87
dx=-0.1, dz=-0.0305315
Handling locked coordinate.
Handling locked coordinate.
Handling locked coordinate.
Handling locked coordinate.
dmass = 7.20784
Recommended mass adjustments:
ground: orig mass = 0, new mass = 0
pelvis: orig mass = 10.7957, new mass = 11.8608
femur_r: orig mass = 9.16649, new mass = 10.0708
tibia_r: orig mass = 4.44813, new mass = 4.88696
talus_r: orig mass = 0.100323, new mass = 0.110221
calcn_r: orig mass = 1.25404, new mass = 1.37776
toes_r: orig mass = 0.2173, new mass = 0.238738
femur_l: orig mass = 8.66387, new mass = 9.51861
tibia_l: orig mass = 4.49262, new mass = 4.93585
talus_l: orig mass = 0.0910518, new mass = 0.100035
calcn_l: orig mass = 1.13815, new mass = 1.25043
toes_l: orig mass = 0.197218, new mass = 0.216675
torso: orig mass = 32.4951, new mass = 35.7009
Computing average residuals between 0.9095 and 1.1245
Average residuals after adjusting pelvis COM:
FX=-27.52 FY=-69.1605 FZ=30.429
MX=-1.94093 MY=-2.31568 MZ=-56.2414
Constructing function set for tracking...
No Actuation analysis found in analysis set -- adding one
No Kinematics analysis found in analysis set -- adding one
taskSet size = 19
Using the generalized coordinates specified in RRA_outputs\hpl_overground_RRA__K
inematics_q.sto to set the initial configuration.
Using IPOPT optimizer algorithm.
Setting optimizer print level to 0.
Setting optimizer convergence criterion to 1e-006.
Setting optimizer maximum iterations to 100.
Setting cmc controller to not use verbose printing.
Using CMC to track the specified kinematics
Integrating from 0.91 to 1.1245
Start time = Mon Apr 21 00:05:15 2008
rdCMC.computeControls: t = 0.91
SimTK Exception thrown at InteriorPointOptimizer.cpp:180:
Optmizer failed: Ipopt: Infeasible problem detected (status 2)
rdCMC.computeControls: WARN- The optimizer could not find a solution at time =
If using the fast target, try using the slow target.
Starting at a slightly different initial time may also help.
This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.
Please contact the application's support team for more information.
Deleted model default
I'm also having problems running CMC on the slow running trial. I was able to successfully run RRA and CMC from May's sample set up files. I can also successfully run RRA from my own setup file.
I'll list the error read out from the command prompt after this, but first I want to quickly explain the steps I've taken to try to fix this.
1) relocated the CM position
2) locked joints
3) recalculated IK solution
4) for cmc, using fast optimization
5) set cmc_time_window to .001
The error I get is "The optimizer could not find a solution at time = 0.91000."
I chose my time interval to between 0.8325 and 1.1283, which are the times where the GRF is nonzero.
This program includes software developed by the
Apache Software Foundation (
Deleted model
Library SdfastEngine...
Library SimbodyEngine...
Constructing investigation from setup file HW2_CMC_settings.xml.
AbstractTool EricLew_CMC_output_ loading model 'EricLewScaledModel.osim'
Created model EricLew.3DGaitModel2354-Scaled from file EricLewScaledModel.osim
Adding actuator set from hpl_overground_CMC_Actuators.xml
Handling locked coordinate.
Handling locked coordinate.
Handling locked coordinate.
Handling locked coordinate.
SimbodyCoordinate.setValue: WARN- coordinate subtalar_angle_r is locked. Unable
to change its value.
SimbodyCoordinate.setValue: WARN- coordinate mtp_angle_r is locked. Unable to ch
ange its value.
SimbodyCoordinate.setValue: WARN- coordinate subtalar_angle_l is locked. Unable
to change its value.
SimbodyCoordinate.setValue: WARN- coordinate mtp_angle_l is locked. Unable to ch
ange its value.
Loaded library
MODEL: EricLew.3DGaitModel2354-Scaled
actuators: 19
analyses: 0
contacts: 0
Running tool EricLew_CMC_output_.
MODEL: EricLew.3DGaitModel2354-Scaled
body[0] = ground (mass: 0) (inertia: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
body[1] = pelvis (mass: 10.7957) (inertia: 0.102245 0 0 0 0.0866297 0 0 0 0.0575
body[2] = femur_r (mass: 9.16649) (inertia: 0.151728 0 0 0 0.0391486 0 0 0 0.151
body[3] = tibia_r (mass: 4.44813) (inertia: 0.0785012 0 0 0 0.00794357 0 0 0 0.0
body[4] = talus_r (mass: 0.100323) (inertia: 0.00115599 0 0 0 0.00115599 0 0 0 0
body[5] = calcn_r (mass: 1.25404) (inertia: 0.00161839 0 0 0 0.00450837 0 0 0 0.
body[6] = toes_r (mass: 0.2173) (inertia: 0.0001156 0 0 0 0.0002312 0 0 0 0.0011
body[7] = femur_l (mass: 8.66387) (inertia: 0.135921 0 0 0 0.0359937 0 0 0 0.135
body[8] = tibia_l (mass: 4.49262) (inertia: 0.0798143 0 0 0 0.00807644 0 0 0 0.0
body[9] = talus_l (mass: 0.0910518) (inertia: 0.00098348 0 0 0 0.00098348 0 0 0
body[10] = calcn_l (mass: 1.13815) (inertia: 0.00137687 0 0 0 0.00383558 0 0 0 0
body[11] = toes_l (mass: 0.197218) (inertia: 9.835e-005 0 0 0 0.0001967 0 0 0 0.
body[12] = torso (mass: 32.4951) (inertia: 1.34554 0 0 0 0.906256 0 0 0 1.34554)
actuator[0] = FX (controls: FX.excitation)
actuator[1] = FY (controls: FY.excitation)
actuator[2] = FZ (controls: FZ.excitation)
actuator[3] = MX (controls: MX.excitation)
actuator[4] = MY (controls: MY.excitation)
actuator[5] = MZ (controls: MZ.excitation)
actuator[6] = hip_flexion_r_reserve (controls: hip_flexion_r_reserve.excitation)
actuator[7] = hip_adduction_r_reserve (controls: hip_adduction_r_reserve.excitat
actuator[8] = hip_rotation_r_reserve (controls: hip_rotation_r_reserve.excitatio
actuator[9] = knee_angle_r_reserve (controls: knee_angle_r_reserve.excitation)
actuator[10] = ankle_angle_r_reserve (controls: ankle_angle_r_reserve.excitation
actuator[11] = hip_flexion_l_reserve (controls: hip_flexion_l_reserve.excitation
actuator[12] = hip_adduction_l_reserve (controls: hip_adduction_l_reserve.excita
actuator[13] = hip_rotation_l_reserve (controls: hip_rotation_l_reserve.excitati
actuator[14] = knee_angle_l_reserve (controls: knee_angle_l_reserve.excitation)
actuator[15] = ankle_angle_l_reserve (controls: ankle_angle_l_reserve.excitation
actuator[16] = lumbar_extension_reserve (controls: lumbar_extension_reserve.exci
actuator[17] = lumbar_bending_reserve (controls: lumbar_bending_reserve.excitati
actuator[18] = lumbar_rotation_reserve (controls: lumbar_rotation_reserve.excita
numControls = 19
numStates = 46
numCoordinates = 23
numSpeeds = 23
numActuators = 19
numBodies = 13
y[0] = pelvis_tx
y[1] = pelvis_ty
y[2] = pelvis_tz
y[3] = pelvis_tilt
y[4] = pelvis_list
y[5] = pelvis_rotation
y[6] = hip_flexion_r
y[7] = hip_adduction_r
y[8] = hip_rotation_r
y[9] = knee_angle_r
y[10] = ankle_angle_r
y[11] = subtalar_angle_r
y[12] = mtp_angle_r
y[13] = hip_flexion_l
y[14] = hip_adduction_l
y[15] = hip_rotation_l
y[16] = knee_angle_l
y[17] = ankle_angle_l
y[18] = subtalar_angle_l
y[19] = mtp_angle_l
y[20] = lumbar_extension
y[21] = lumbar_bending
y[22] = lumbar_rotation
y[23] = pelvis_tx_u
y[24] = pelvis_ty_u
y[25] = pelvis_tz_u
y[26] = pelvis_tilt_u
y[27] = pelvis_list_u
y[28] = pelvis_rotation_u
y[29] = hip_flexion_r_u
y[30] = hip_adduction_r_u
y[31] = hip_rotation_r_u
y[32] = knee_angle_r_u
y[33] = ankle_angle_r_u
y[34] = subtalar_angle_r_u
y[35] = mtp_angle_r_u
y[36] = hip_flexion_l_u
y[37] = hip_adduction_l_u
y[38] = hip_rotation_l_u
y[39] = knee_angle_l_u
y[40] = ankle_angle_l_u
y[41] = subtalar_angle_l_u
y[42] = mtp_angle_l_u
y[43] = lumbar_extension_u
y[44] = lumbar_bending_u
y[45] = lumbar_rotation_u
Loading desired kinematics from file RRA_outputs\hpl_overground_RRA__Kinematics_
q.sto ...
Storage: file=RRA_outputs\hpl_overground_RRA__Kinematics_q.sto (nr=293 nc=24)
WARN- The final time set for the cmc run is past the last time stamp
in the desired kinematics file RRA_outputs\hpl_overground_RRA__Kinematics_q.sto.
Resetting the final time from 1.12833 to 1.1245.
Low-pass filtering desired kinematics with a cutoff frequency of 6...
Loading external loads kinematics from file hpl_overground_slow_run_IK_joints_lo
cked_hw2.sto ...
Storage: file=hpl_overground_slow_run_IK_joints_locked_hw2.sto (nr=37 nc=159)
Low-pass filtering external load kinematics with a cutoff frequency of 6...
Storage: file=hpl_overground_slow_run_grf.mot (nr=4800 nc=19)
Note: requested COM adjustment time range 0.91 - 1.1245 clamped to nearest avail
able data times 0.9095 - 1.1245
Computing average residuals between 0.9095 and 1.1245
Average residuals before adjusting pelvis COM:
FX=-28.1254 FY=-70.6848 FZ=31.7662
MX=3.23237 MY=-3.79898 MZ=-69.583
pelvis weight = 105.87
dx=-0.1, dz=-0.0305315
Handling locked coordinate.
Handling locked coordinate.
Handling locked coordinate.
Handling locked coordinate.
dmass = 7.20784
Recommended mass adjustments:
ground: orig mass = 0, new mass = 0
pelvis: orig mass = 10.7957, new mass = 11.8608
femur_r: orig mass = 9.16649, new mass = 10.0708
tibia_r: orig mass = 4.44813, new mass = 4.88696
talus_r: orig mass = 0.100323, new mass = 0.110221
calcn_r: orig mass = 1.25404, new mass = 1.37776
toes_r: orig mass = 0.2173, new mass = 0.238738
femur_l: orig mass = 8.66387, new mass = 9.51861
tibia_l: orig mass = 4.49262, new mass = 4.93585
talus_l: orig mass = 0.0910518, new mass = 0.100035
calcn_l: orig mass = 1.13815, new mass = 1.25043
toes_l: orig mass = 0.197218, new mass = 0.216675
torso: orig mass = 32.4951, new mass = 35.7009
Computing average residuals between 0.9095 and 1.1245
Average residuals after adjusting pelvis COM:
FX=-27.52 FY=-69.1605 FZ=30.429
MX=-1.94093 MY=-2.31568 MZ=-56.2414
Constructing function set for tracking...
No Actuation analysis found in analysis set -- adding one
No Kinematics analysis found in analysis set -- adding one
taskSet size = 19
Using the generalized coordinates specified in RRA_outputs\hpl_overground_RRA__K
inematics_q.sto to set the initial configuration.
Using IPOPT optimizer algorithm.
Setting optimizer print level to 0.
Setting optimizer convergence criterion to 1e-006.
Setting optimizer maximum iterations to 100.
Setting cmc controller to not use verbose printing.
Using CMC to track the specified kinematics
Integrating from 0.91 to 1.1245
Start time = Mon Apr 21 00:05:15 2008
rdCMC.computeControls: t = 0.91
SimTK Exception thrown at InteriorPointOptimizer.cpp:180:
Optmizer failed: Ipopt: Infeasible problem detected (status 2)
rdCMC.computeControls: WARN- The optimizer could not find a solution at time =
If using the fast target, try using the slow target.
Starting at a slightly different initial time may also help.
This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.
Please contact the application's support team for more information.
Deleted model default