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Dynamic Arm Simulator

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 1:58 am
by gautamr1858
I wanted to know about the dynamic arm simulator. The Muscle controller GUI, when we control the slider, moving from 0 to 1, the muscles start moving and how can we relate the values in the slider with the angle in the muscle model. For example I slide the elbow flexion to 0.7 then there is some angle change in the model, so what is the relation between the 0.7 in slider to the angle moved in the muscle model.
Activating the muscles means you activate the muscles that changes the angle in the muscle so activation is through the slider, when we move the slider, the muscle activates and there is a change in angle. The relation between change in angle and the movement of slider is where I am kind of stuck. So please help me with this.

Re: Dynamic Arm Simulator

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 2:27 am
by dimitra
Hi Gautam,

The Dynamic Arm Simulator is a forward dynamic model. When you move one of the sliders in the "driver" GUI, you are changing the excitation of the muscles associated with that slider. For example, the "elbow flexion" slider is associated with the biceps, brachialis and brachioradialis. The change in muscle excitation is related to the acceleration of the joint through a set of differential equations that model musculoskeletal dynamics. For an explanation of how forward dynamics works, please see here: ... mics+Works
