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Welcome to Help

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 8:32 pm
by Admin
Welcome to Help

Re: Welcome to Help

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2017 6:59 am
by nicholas
Hi, I send an email at for some general questions but the delivery process failed so I'll ask here.

I’ve just download and install IA-FEMesh. I’ll like to know if it’s possible to construct the mesh on the wall of an artery as I’m particular interesting in to perform FSI simulation using STAR-CCM+ and Abaqus. I’m interesting for your software as I’m facing difficulties to handle stl models in Abaqus and I thought it would be better to use your software to create the mesh and then import it as .inp.

Also, I’d like to know hoe to create mesh on a bifurcation like the aneurysm example I found n your manual.
Finally, can I create the hexahedral mesh and use it to solve CFD problems with FVM or are you planning to expand in this direction.
