Some confusing about configuration.

Provide a simple and time efficient way to extract raw gait data from a C3D file
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Yi Wang
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Some confusing about configuration.

Post by Yi Wang » Wed Aug 04, 2010 1:03 pm

HI Tim, thanks for your amazing job. Allowing us to process with C3D file and extracting data exactly what the OpenSim need.

We are doing great with a lot of trials until we encountered several trials from others. Which their trials just came with only one force plate and the analog channels name came like CH00, CH01, CH02, CH03, etc,. So I didn't how to config with the force plate string.

This is what I wrote like below:

glab.FP.string = '%s'; % Prefix, PlateNum, Suffix

glab.FP.prefix = {'CH02','CH03','CH04','CH05','CH06','CH07'};
glab.FP.suffix = {'','','','','',''};

But the result came like below with error:

Warning: The argument for the %s format specifier must be of type char (a string).
> In getEvents>avrVertForceOnPlate at 629
In getEvents>detectSeq at 515
In getEvents at 441
In testWalkSimulation at 28
Warning: Could not detect force plate sequence.

I meant to see where does this error come from the source code but unfortunately I could even find where this error "The argument for the %s format specifier must be of type char (a string)" come from. From the source of GETEVENT.M, I found a function like :

function avrF = avrVertForceOnPlate(itf, plateNum, startVFrame, endVFrame)

But I could figure which is the definition of "avrVertForceOnPlate" come from? Would you mind give some tips?

Sorry for so many confusing questions.
Thanks again for the great toolkit.


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Tim Dorn
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RE: Some confusing about configuration.

Post by Tim Dorn » Fri Aug 06, 2010 3:49 am

Hi Yi,

That is actually a good question. I would have said to do exactly what you did, however the best way is to send me the c3d file and ill have a look (i am currently overseas at the present moment but will have a look in a week when I return to the office). From memory, the avrVertForceOnPlate function is contained within getEvents.m, and is used to simply determine which plate is 'active' in each time inverval between two events. The default value is 10N, so for each plate if the vertical force exceeds 10N, then the foot is on the plate (this is how the toolbox determines which foot is on which plate). Let me know if you do solve the problem, otherwise, I'm happy to have a look for you if you send me the c3d file.



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Yi Wang
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Joined: Fri Oct 30, 2009 1:12 pm

RE: Some confusing about configuration.

Post by Yi Wang » Fri Aug 06, 2010 11:16 am

Thanks. Though I didn't find the definition of that function, but I solved that problem.

The error information came from the fprintf, which is the error of format definition.

Thanks for your reply, if you don't mind, I just update my trouble under another topic and upload my C3D file along with some other pics and zip.
