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Running error with new version 1.7

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 5:47 pm
by tinyvane
I just found you released the newer version, but i failed with running it.

Here is the error message.

??? Error: File: E:\TDDOWNLOAD\GaitExtractToolboxRelease17\MatlabUtils\coordChange.m Line: 53 Column: 5
Unbalanced or misused parentheses or brackets.

Error in ==> calcFPData at 106
cornersNew(:,:,i) = coordChange(FP.corners(:,:,i)', C3Dkey.transform.VICMODEL)';

Error in ==> getEvents at 231
FP = calcFPData(itf, C3Dkey, 1);

Error in ==> testWalk at 27
keyDyn = getEvents(c3dFileDynamic, 2, [1 2 3]);

I ran the "Walk" under example directory, when running the "DownStair", got the same error.

My matlab is Ver 2007r, WINDOWS 7. Older version of 1.6 is ok for me.

Thanks for your neat toolkit.

RE: Running error with new version 1.7

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 6:50 pm
by twdorn
Hi Yi,

I have fixed that now and updated the download. It turns out I was using Matlab R2010a to test. But now it should be compatible with R2007.
