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A Conversion Toolbox for VICON mocap system

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 10:46 pm
by skylsj
Hi all,

If you use VICON motion capture systems,
please try our toolbox which directly converts VICON motion capture data(*.csv) into OpenSim inputs(*.trc and *.mot).
This is much easier and faster than converting C3D files.

Please refer to our project page:
The toolbox v.1.4.1 is already available, but the user manual is now in preparation.
If you have any questions in using our toolbox, please contact us.


Re: A Conversion Toolbox for VICON mocap system

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 10:12 am
by ajinkya281292
I use vicon nexus motion capture system but it produces c3d files and not csv files.